Chpt. 6: "Il primo giorno parte II"

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A/n: Hello my adorable little gays, I have once again delivered you with gay content to fuel your souls. Today's chapter will be focused on Wednesday and Y/n's relationship so buckle up for the gaslighting and manipulation.

Y'all we are at 6k reads... How tf we jump from 3k to 6k in four days!!!!???

Third Person P.O.V (Following Wednesday)

It had been quite some time since Y/n last spoke to Wednesday, it was causing the girl a sense of unrest that made it very difficult to focus on her writing. Her thoughts often drifting from Viper and her adventures to Y/n and why the girl hadn't begged for Wednesday's attention yet.

It had been two days, the longest Y/n had ever gone without bothering Wednesday is some way, shape, or form so why was it that instead of peace and solitude like she expected; was Wednesday experiencing a great deal of grief and an uncomfortable twisting, nauseating feeling of dispare that she would usually find welcoming and warm. Now the feeling was causing her headaches and partial blackout spells.

It was highly unusual for Wednesday to gain any kind of sickness. Although the girls normal body temperature was a few degrees below normal, it was not out of the ordinary for the onyx eyed girl.

(A/n: Onyx is a super dark shade of brown eyes that's almost black with how dark they are.)

What would be out of the ordinary for her is the flashes of heat she would feel when thinking of the thorn in her side named Y/n. When they were kids the shifter would try everything that she could to get Wednesday's attention, that included getting interested in her hobbies.

Y/n learned to play the violin when Wednesday mentioned her cello lessons, she wanted the two to play together but Wednesday wasn't interested.

Then Y/n started getting interested in murder mystery books and documentaries because Wednesday would often rant about them, she wanted to be able to have a proper conversation with Wednesday about them but then Wednesday stopped coming to her to talk about them.

When Y/n started her scorpion farm, after Oddessy and Nero had children, she gave Nero to Wednesday as a birthday present but the moment of joy was short lived when only a few months later Nero was killed by a group of normies. Wednesday never accepted another pet from Y/n again.

It never occurred to Wednesday that someday Y/n would no longer look for her attention or try to impress her the way her parents did to each other.

It was never a thought that crossed her mind. Wednesday was known for always wanting to be alone and here she was alone just like she wanted but she wasn't enjoying it, just like the situation that happened with Enid a year ago.

The feeling was highly uncomfortable for the goth girl. Rejected isn't a common occurrence for Wednesday, everyone either wanted her or wanted to be her there was never an in-between. With Y/n though...

The Russo was assertive in a non intrusive way. She was aware of Wednesday's limits and had never crossed them. Often times she would test the waters of how comfortable Wednesday was with her, asking semi personal questions or something Wednesday would consider a weakness for someone else to know.

A lot of the Addams girl's actions aroused Y/n's curiosity but the amber eyed girl knew not to question her lest she wake up buried alive in some remote desolate country.

Although now Wednesday was beginning to ask herself a lot of questions. Was Y/n always do attentive when it came to how comfortable Wednesday was? She would never stand too close but never far enough that their conversations felt distant.

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