Interlude: The Russo Family Curse

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The Russo family is one that has been around for centuries. Throughout its time they were known widely in Italy for being all things strange and unusual but in the best sense possible.

The family was unfortunately cursed a long time ago and that curse travels with them through every generation.

The Russo's eventually learned how to live with the curse, using it to pursue their love with no fear and hope for the best.

The only true downside of the curse is the risk of death at being rejected by your love.

The curse was made in a way that the family member would suffer slowly and life would slowly drain from them until they were nothing but a husk.

First they would go into a deep depression, refusing to eat or drink anything as the only thought on their mind is their love.

The curse would then progress after a week to traumatizing nightmares that would lead to sleepless nights and sleep deprivation.

That on top of the dehydration and starvation would begin to cause hallucinations. Hallucinations that felt very real to the victim, it would cause them to become histerical. eventually the curse would work its way throught the victims body and to their brain where it will take over like a parasite looking for a host, taking control of the body and shutting down all important organs; slowly killing off the body of their host and making them a husk.

It is a very painful and depressing process for the victim as well as the victims family. The cause of the curse can't exactly be pin pointed to one collective being, it was known to run throught the family for years before it was officially labled as a curse set upon the family for malicious reasons. The Russo family have been hated by many for a very long time, everywhere they went they were subjected to hate of all kinds; most of the hate being race related or because they weren't "normies".

The family became known as witches, beings of the night that served the devil and killed children to live forever. The human verson of a witch didn't live up to the actual definition of a witch. The Russo family was not a coven of witches or vampires. 

They called themselves "shapeshifters" or something close to the term of it. 

They could take the form of any animal or being to exist and have about half their power depending on their knowledge of said being. They are mostly known to shift into different animals, primarily foxes, or half of their preferred animal by possessing their animal features (tail, fins, fangs, ears, fur, etc....).

They were commonly found in their human forms to avoid conflict with the locals as well as a way to make their children feel more normal. Every generation the family curse would get worse and this has been proven with its most recent victim.

The curse has taken over its hosts mind and altered a few things, making the host delustional and unreasonable. The human brain tends to fill in missing spots of the mind with things it finds realisic enough for the body to not question. It tends to leave a grey area for the person and their thought process about certain topics, if the stated situation doesn't fit the brains delusion then it will force the thought from the brain and cause the host to ignore reality.

Quite the sad thing isn't it? Not knowing what's really and what your brain has made up? That is the fate of the Russo family.

Although some members of the family have decided to embrace the curse. Like James Russo, he used his curse to give himself confidence and pursue his love for Gabriella.

His love for her was genuine before the curse started to show itself. The curse simply gave him the confidence to act on his feelings and luckily Gabriella was more than happy to accept his feelings.

The two fell deep in love, one of the most popular couples at Nevermore besides Morticia and Gomez of course.

The four were very close friends, often times seen together doing all things odd.

Before the incident. That incident.

James and Gabriella were graduated early from Nevermore and Gomez was taken into police custody, leaving Morticia devistated.

The group of friends were rarely in contact with one another. That was until Gabriella became pregnant with her first child.

The celebration was grand and the group of friends reunited to celebrate the joy of a new life.

That is the start of the Russo family as we know it today.

The mystery of who Y/n truly is? That is only something James and Gabriella know, nor do they wish to speak about.

Now that you are aware of how the curse works, do you still believe in Y/n's feelings? Or do you think they are the work of the curse?

A/n: Hello guys! It's been a while huh? Sorry for such a late update, like has been wild. I went through another break up so yay... anyways, I'm already working on the next chapter as well as editing the old chapters so they don't look like crap.

Hope you guys enjoy some lore, maybe it'll shed some light on your theories. Who do you think Y/n's real parents are? It'll be pretty obvious later on but I still like hearing your thoughts.

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