Chpt. 8: "Provando"

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A/n: You guys are really blowing this book up. It feels like everythime I post a chapter a bunch more people come to read it! Each chapter literally gets at least 1k reads, that's crazy!!!!

Y'all are also so close to getting this book to 20k like how tf is there that many little gays that want to read my book?!

Third Person P.O.V

Y/n has tried a lot of things in her life, all things considered, everytime she tried something new it was different than what people would always tell her it was like.

Although, there is one things Y/n has never and will never try. Communication with Wednesday.

Trying to communicate with the oldest Addams child is a task that anyone would find difficult and you would expect that with how long Y/n has known Wednesday that she would be able to easily communicate with the girl but no it isn't easy for her at all. It's actually the complete opposite.

If one couldn't tell, Wednesday definitely isn't the easiest person to talk to. It doesn't matter what you're trying to talk to her about, she'll shut you down without a second thought. Which is why the situation Y/n was in with Wednesday now was confusing for her.

"What did you and Enid talk about."

There Wednesday stood, at Y/n's door with the look of death on her face more intense than usual. Y/n looked at the shorter girl in a sleepy daze of confusion. Wednesday came to Y/n's dorm in the middle of the night, banging on the door demanding an answer to a question Y/n hasn't even processed yet.

"Wednesday what in the world are you talking about right now?" Y/n leans against the doorway with her eyes closed, ready to fall back asleep before she is shoved to the side and abruptly woken up.

Wednesday marches into the middle of the girls room and turns to stare Y/n down until Y/n slowly approaches Wednesday and sits down on the rug.

"Answer my question. What did you and Enid talk about. She's been pacing around the room muttering about mates and scenting since we got back."

Y/n hums and nods slowly, "Why don't you answer me first, what were you and Enid doing right before I came to the greenhouse? You two were in a very suggestive position"

Wednesday's eyebrow twitches ever so slightly which Y/n catches causing her to smirk and tilt her head mockingly. "What I do with Enid is my business now answer my question."

Y/n hums and leans back on her elbows,  "What I do with Enid is MY business pila corta" Wednesday's glare darkens at the nickname, one that Y/n would use often when they were children when a situation flipped in her favor.

"Do you think that just because you've stated your disobedience that it means I will silently comply then you must have forgotten the kind of being I am Russo, tell me what you and Enid were speaking of now or your precious scorpion farm gets it."

Y/n's playful and amused expression drops as she glances over to Oddessy's enclosure. Wednesday follows her gaze and her eyes widen slightly at the notice of a familiar bright red design on the scorpion.

"So I see you brought Oddessy with you, she seems healthy." Wednesday's quiet comment falls on deaf ears as Y/n looks at the girl with a blank stare.

"You want to know what we talked about so bad then why don't I just show you instead?" Y/n's uninterested tone has Wednesday thinking hard about what the information she is about to gain could be. It was definitely something Enid didn't want her knowing seeing as she wouldn't talk about the subject with Wednesday around but if Y/n was willing to show Wednesday then it couldn't be too private, right?

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