Chpt. 15: ''Autosabotaggio''

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A/n: I know I kinda dropped off the face of the Earth but I'm back and I'm going to try and be responsible with this story cus I actually like it but thank y'all so so much for 100k reads it's actually crazy we got that much attention but I appreciate all the support and keep up the comments, I love seeing you all be gay it's adorable💜

TW: Mentions of self harm

Third Person P.O.V. (following Enid)

Y/n's first transformation had begun to fade hours ago, leaving Enid and the animal shifter alone in the room after Wednesday had departed.

Enid had been up for a bit, her head filled with thoughts of everything happening around her. Everything seemed to be falling apart and nothing felt like it was going her way.

She still hadn't found a pack to live with, both the women she liked were emotionally unavailable, and her blog was going down hill by the second.

The thought that her life was falling apart brought tears to her eyes, a soft sob escaping her lips as she buries her face into her hands.

A soft whimper is heard behind her where Y/n was once laid asleep, but the shifter was now awake and looking at Enid with the concern.

Another soft whine is heard from the shifter, unable to communicate verbally, she simply pulled Enid up into the bed from her position on the floor and pulls the girl against her front, nuzzling her head into the back of Enid's neck.

The amber eyed shifter places soft kisses to the back of Enid's neck, letting out gentle hums between each one.

Enid remained frozen, confused, and conflicted in the embrace of the shifter. On one hand she enjoyed the attention from Y/n, basking in the pampering and scent marking but on another hand she felt bad, Y/n wasn't all there, she wasn't aware of what she was doing half the time and likely wouldn't remember what was happening.

"Mine..." Y/n softly mumbles into Enid's shoulder, a soft rumble leaving her, something similar to a purr but with more bass; not quite a growl either, just soft enough to pass as a rumble like purr.

Enid subconsciously nuzzles back into Y/n, showing her submission easily to the amber eyed girl. Y/n's hold tightens around Enid as she places more kisses to Enid's neck and shoulders, leaving small bite marks as well.

Enid closes her eyes tightly, trying her best to not feel guilt for letting this happen. It was only for a moment, she would say to herself. I just want to feel her for a moment.

Tears prick at the corner of Enid's eyes, a soft sob escaping her tightly closed lips as she hides her face in the fluffy comforter.

Y/n lets out a whine of disapproval and uncovers Enid's face, forcing the girl to turn over, so she can wipe her tears. Enid's eyes flutter open to gaze at Y/n, and it was clear the girl wanted to say something but couldn't get the words out from the furrowed frustration decorating her face.

"...pretty girl" Y/n muttered, wiping the tears from Enid's face as gently as possible. Enid gazes up at Y/n, her cheeks darkening in a pink blush from the term of endearment.

"...My pretty girl" Another mutter from Y/n causes Enid to groan in embarrassment and hide under the covers, more tears filling her eyes. She felt horrible, Y/n was probably thinking of Wednesday and yet Enid was indulging in the words and affection not meant for her. Y/n would hate her forever if she was of sound mind and knew—

"Enid...pretty girl"

Another mutter from Y/n, this one louder than the rest.

Enid immediately perks up at the sound of her name being said alongside the pet name. "...What?' Comes the confused reply from Enid, peeking hr head from under the covers to gaze longingly at the shifter that was now positioned above her.

"Pretty girl..." Y/n purrs, leaning down and nuzzling her head into Enid's neck, soft purrs leaving the older girl when Enid begins running her fingers through Y/n's hair. 

"Wednesday... pretty girl" Y/n mutters with her eyes closed and Enid freezes, the breath in her throat stopping and coming out in a stuttered sob as she pulls away from Y/n. The shifter lets out a whine and looks down at Enid with dejected eyes, a haze glazed over her amber eyes as she gazes at Enid with eyes full of blinded love.

Another heartbreaking sob leaves Enid's lips as she quickly tries her best to distance herself from Y/n, not wanting to hear what she thought was a pet name for her but was actually meant for her other crush. 

She shouldn't be jealous. She shouldn't be hurt, but the thought that her possible mate can only think of another woman while in her presence. The thought of that makes Enid break into harsh sobs that left her hick upping and coughing.

The young wolf fell to her knees in sadness; it was as if her whole being had been submerged in depression. 

The crying continued for another two hours, all while Y/n slept and whined in her sleep and Wednesday took a while, still haven't yet to return to the mess that was Enid. 

The shew wolf had stopped crying after an hour, only soft sniffles and the occasional cough would leave her as she sat on the floor with her knees to her chest, hugging herself for comfort. She couldn't feel anything anymore. It all felt numb, like she couldn't cry or smile anymore. Like nothing really mattered.

Enid took a small glance at Y/n to see her still sound asleep, cuddling a pillow tightly to her body. Her transformation had gone down a lot, the scales could barely be seen on her skin, only if you looked closely could you see them. 

Enid looks back to the ground in front of her, staring at the claw marks she had made on the floor during her crying fit an hour ago. The marks ran deep in floorboards, small chunks of wood laid in piles around the incisions of the floor. 

After an hour and thirty minutes of sitting on the floor, Enid felt like she needed something to do with her hands besides scratch harshly at the backs of her hands, leaving angry blood-red lines on her pale skin; and so she decided to sort the wood chips into piles. The scratches were just on the border of being called self harm, but she didn't break skin, she would just excuse it as having a panicked moment and brush it off if anyone asked, or she could wear gloves to cover her hands, nobody would question her strange accessory choice.

She just wishes this would all end soon.

A/n: I know it's been forever since I updated this story, but I promise I'm actually going to try and update more now that I'm getting a new job and fewer hours but more pay. Let me know what you guys thought of the chapter, I feel so bad for Enid.

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