Chpt. 2: "Riunione, mio ​​fiore"

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A/n: Look at the cutie up top she's just so (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠). Enid gives me butterflies, protect the baby!

Third Person P.O.V

"Oh.. W-wednesday, it's good to see you too I guess"

Enid looked between the two girls with confusion, "Do you two know each other somehow?" The werewolf asked with a head tilt and light pout to her face. Y/n could feel her heart skip a beat from the adorable gesture from the girl.

"Unfortunately, yes we do." Wednesday said with a deeper glare in her eyes than before. "And I'm still wondering why you're here"

Y/n awkwardly laughs and begins to avoid eye contact with the goth, looking everywhere but down.

"W-well it's not like it's illegal to be here, plus I'm not exactly a normie either being an animal shifter and all.." Wednesday looks Y/n up and down harshly before turning away and going to her typewriter.

"It's my writing time, take your banter some place else." Y/n looks longingly at the shorter girls back and lets out a deep sigh while turning to walk away. Enid looks between Y/n and Wednesday and decides to step out of the room, closing the door lightly behind her.

While all this was happening Bianca just watched from the side, reading the tension between Y/n and Wednesday. "Let's talk in your dorm, I can help you unpack if you'd like?" Enid's gentle smile swayed Y/n's mood causing the girl to nod lightly and turn to Bianca who had already began walking towards Y/n's dorm.

Unbeknownst to the people leaving the room, Wednesday glanced back at the group with a mist of confusion in her eyes. Confusion for more than the obvious reasons.

"So, your name is Y/n right? It's nice to meet you, my name is Enid Sinclair! I've been going to Nevermore for a year now so you can ask me questions about anything and I'll let you in on all the gossip" The bubbly girl began to rant about the different drama topics at the school. Things like who met behind the greenhouse, dates for the Rave In, how Wednesday saved the school from an racist undead magic pilgrim, which of the fangs are using certain people as bl- Wait undead pilgrim?

"Wait Wednesday did what?" Y/n looks back at Enid with an expression of perplexity. The she-wolf tilts her head in confusion. "I thought you and Wednesday knew each other, wouldn't she have already told you?" Y/n turns back around, her face taking on a stony expression. Enid having obviously felt the shift in mood and tension glances quickly to Bianca for help but the siren could care less and continued to walk.

"La mia luce più oscura, la sofferenza della mia anima, il mio mercoledì..." Y/n looks at the ground with a look of pain, pure sorrow in her eyes.


Enid looks more confused than before with her only languages being English and Greek.

"Wednesday and I aren't on good talking terms, we're NEVER on good talking terms. I'm sure she would prefer me dead and gone from her life in every way possible..." Enid looks at the taller girl with sympathy, she places her hand gently onto her bicep and rubs softly.

"I'm sure Wednesday wouldn't want you dead, I mean she used to always threaten me but never actually harmed me" Y/n gives the girl a soft smile and crosses her arms, causing them to flew which Enid felt through the girls clothes. Enid immediately shys away from the girl, pulling her hand away as if she had just touched a hot iron.

"Yeah well I'm sure she does since she's tried to kill me so many times, I still don't understand her after all these years" Enid looks awkwardly down at the ground with her hands behind her back.

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