S Chpt. 2: Don't fuck with an Addams

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A/n: Hopefully you guys enjoy this side story kind of thing I'm doing. I really like writing the personality I gave to Pugsley, it's a very fun character since I act this way!

Btw the bullies, Dalton more specifically, will be having a redemption arc. Dalton shall play the wingman for his friend(Gabriel). Aiden is pretty much the villain in Pugsley's story so you're going to hate the hell out of him.

Third Person P.O.V.

It had been two weeks since the party, and the first day of the new school year was today. After Dalton's party, the mysterious person that gave Gabriel a boner was the talk of most of the school. People couldn't care less that Gabriel got turned on by another guy, it's 2023 and literal monsters exist, like come on. Of course there would be the occasional homophobic person, but Gabriel has surprisingly defensive friends.

Nevertheless, the first day after summer break at Nancy Reagan High School will be an eventful one.

Especially because of a certain Addams boy.

Third Person P.O.V(Following Pugsley)

It's felt very odd to Pugsley finally being allowed back into NRHS (Nancy Reagan High School), especially after the display his sister had put on. Given the fact that Pugsley was innocent and the victim in the situation, he was online suspended for the rest of that year and made to do work from home.

Now Pugsley is back and far better than he was before, puberty had finally hit the boy like a truck giving him more defined features that still gave him his unique and dashing looks.

Fortunately, the school did not require students to wear a uniform, and that gave Pugsley all the more reason to show off the newer version of himself that he became.

Coming dressed in a button down white collared shirt with a black tie and a sleeveless sweater vest thrown over it. For his bottoms, he wore black Capri with a black Gucci belt and black dress shoes to throw it all together.

The outfit made him look nice while also being "school appropriate" according to the school's clothing rules.

Walking through the doors of Nancy Reagan High was always a fun experience for an Addams, the way people avoided and feared you, calling you a freak and other very obligatory terms. It gave the teen a rush of pride to know so many people thought about and talked about him enough to give him this fame.

With the sound of an overdramatic "pop!" Pugsley released the sucker (lollipop) from his mouth while opening his old locker. It had been left the same way it was last year on the inside, although the outside of the locker had the faded writing washed off, as if someone tried to scrub it off but couldn't get it off completely and just gave up.

Pugsley looks through the things in his locker with a raised brow. The suspension and summer break really did change him. Inside the locker was everything that could be unrelated to school, many containers of bugs he would collect and put in old food boxes were now moist and rotted from spring moisture and summer heat.

Moldy wrapped sandwiches and bags of unknown food laid on the shelves of the locker, Pugsley debated at one point if he should try to eat one but decided and against it and that he would simply send them to his sister for examination or experimentation.

With a shrug, Pugsley slams the locker closed, only to be met with Dalton's wide grin. "Yo Pigsley, welcome back! The gang and I tried to clean up your locker but the principal wouldn't let us in so, sorry 'bout the mess"

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