Chpt. 14: " Dolori crescenti"

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Third Person P.O.V (Following Wednesday)

Wednesday had left the two girls to their own devices, Y/n was still well asleep and Enid wanted to keep watch to make sure she was okay.


The thought of the girl gave Wednesday conflicting feelings. She could feel the rush of blood flow towards her ears and the back of her neck, the unfamiliar feeling made her skin crawl. The same way fluorescent colors did. But this time it was a welcomed feeling.

A feeling of the unknown, something she had never thought to explore, something that she hadn't mastered. It gave her a sense of thrill, the same way she got with a new experiment.

As if Pugsley was about to become victim to one of her many pranks.

The thrill of the unknown.

It also made Wednesday feel something she was unfamiliar with.


Fear of the unknown.

This is something she had never thought of, something she swore to her parents she would never explore.

Sure her first kiss was with the same person that was trying to kill her but that simply made her feel worse.

She's never truly experienced something like this. These feelings.

It didn't help that it wasn't just one person.

Y/n and Enid.

Two people at once.

Her cold, dead heart was begging to thaw and beat again. It felt as though this would never happen, like she would stay a husk.

For a moment Wednesday just sat in the quad, thinking.

What if I just stopped having feelings for Y/n and Enid?

What if I lied and said nothing was ever there?

But if I accepted it then Y/n would stop hurting right?

Come to think of it, why is Y/n hurting?

She isn't a real Russo, right?

So why?

It just didn't make sense.

The curse could only affect those that had the pure blood of a Russo flowing through them. So how is Y/n, someone adopted into the family, experiencing the curse?

Wednesday had never thought about it, that Y/n wasn't a real Russo. Just in name and not in blood. The curse should have no effect on her and yet the curse was affecting her as well as doing things it should not.

It was strange. Does Y/n somehow have the blood of a Russo? If that's the case then how is she related to the Russo's? Possibly something to do with her real parents? Considering the fact that no one knew who they were, that could be a start.

Now was not the time to think about that though, Wednesday had other issues like how was she going to explain to her family that she knew how to help Y/n but she didn't have the confidence to do so.

Wednesday Addams, having no confidence to say something? Who would have thought.

The simple thought that Wednesday was nervous had her wanting to tear herself out her skin. It was such a foreign feeling, one she did not enjoy.

An Addams is scared of nothing. Except love of course, what would her father do? Probably kill a lion and bring it's head to his lover.

Wednesday was not a killer, sure she enjoyed torture and murder but killing was not something she does often. She's well aware that Enid wouldn't enjoy being brought a dead lion but Y/n was different. These kinds of things were natural to her, killing.

It was something she was raised doing since the moment she could hold a knife. It came to her naturally as well as her preditor like personality. She intimidated most people she looked at, it could also help that she simply looks like she could kill you with the snap of a finger.

And now Wednesday was thinking about her killing, that would be immensely attractive to watch her slash and gut something or someone.

Aside from getting off track, Wednesday needs to find some way to express herself to Y/n, her way. On top of figuring out her feelings for Enid. Too much was happening with emotions and it was incredibly uncomfortable for Wednesday, dealing with something she doesn't understand.

Nevertheless Wednesday was an Addams, she would face her enemy head on with a smile of amusement except she doesn't smile and her enemy was her own feelings.

Okay deep breaths, what's telling your childhood best friend and your roommate your feelings over killing a centuries old racist wizard Pilgrim right?

With a sigh Wednesday got up from her seat in the quad and begins walking back to Y/n's dorm. Her parents should be here by now to help assist with the curse.

The walk back to the dorm was filled with silence, Wednesday clearly in her thoughts as she walks past Bianca without making a single comment towards her.

The goth opens the dorm door and is met with the sight of a wolf the size of Enid curled into said girls side, fast asleep. Enid layed their running her hands through the wolfs fur with a loving smile, that wolf being Y/n having transformed in her sleep.

Yeah no killing the Pilgrim was definitely easier.

A/n: Hello everybody, I know I kind of disappeared off the planet my bad life has been lifing recently but enjoy this new chapter even though it's super short.

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