Chpt. 3: "Confronto e accuse"

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A/n: My brother thought Jenna Ortega looked like a kid... I slapped his neck meat don't worry!! Anyways look at our wife she's so ⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄

Also a pre-mature warning for readers, you are not going to like Wednesday in the beginning of this book. She eventually gets her character development but until that happens she will be seen as the villain to you all.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter!!

Third Person P.O.V(Following Wednesday)

Marching down the hall is a 4'11"(149.86cm) small Wednesday Addams and she doesn't look happy but really when does she ever look happy.

Although that might be true about her emotions it is very clear from her actions that she was at the very least not in the calmest state of mind and she is marching through the female dorms as though she is on a mission and in a sense she is.

The little powerhouse then stops in her tracks in the middle of the hall and begins to ponder.

She doesn't know where Y/n's room is.

Too blinded by her own irritation she acted irrationally and stormed out of her room in search of the girl without even knowing where it is, but this is Wednesday Addams we are talking about in if the young Addams wants something then she will make it certain that she gains it.

Now with the thought of finding different information the ravenette turns on her heals(platforms) and heads in the direction of Bianca's dorm.

Though she was distracted she seeing Y/n again after a year of not seeing her, she was still very aware of her surroundings and saw that Bianca was the one escorting the annoying Russo.

In less than three minutes Wednesday was in front of Bianca's dorm knocking roughly. She likes to be efficient.

The door swings open and the sight Wednesday is left with us enough to make her stomach feel as though she had eaten a pound of sugar and drank a ton of soda.

The pure feeling of disgust seemed to be obvious on her face or at least in her eyes because Bianca flashes her a toothy but proud grin.

It seems as though Wednesday had just interrupted Bianca and Xavier's very private alone time. She very much so wish she hadn't knocked on the door.

"Addams, to what do I owe the pleasure and make it quick I'm a bit busy" Wednesday jaw tightens in annoyance but she keeps her comments on senseless intercourse to herself.

"I'm well aware of your... physical actives, I only have one question and answer honestly or your little boy toy will be unable to help you in your feeble attempt at reproduction"

Wednesday can see slightly past Bianca that Xavier gulps roughly and covers his mini me as if that would stop her.

"Where is Y/n's room." Bianca smirks slightly at Wednesday's blunt question.

"Now that didn't exactly sound like a question Addams, you really could ask nicer you know" Bianca's teasing tone does nothing but worsen Wednesday more and the poor soul that is Y/n will have to deal with it. If Wednesday can figure out where her room is.

"Answer the question." Bianca laughs and walks back into her room, leaving the door open for Wednesday to walk in but the girl decides to stay outside the room, not wishing to see any obscene objects lying around.

"I don't really think she wants to see you though Addams but that's none of my business right? Good luck with your little girlfriend" Bianca hands Wednesday a small piece of folded paper which the small girl practically snatched without making any comments, marching away with a few found fire deep in her eyes.

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