Gift for you: smut brain storming(updated)

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A/n: This is a smut scene I have been brain storming for Enid once we come out of the angst part of the story. This isn't an official smut scene just something I was thinking of. If there's something you'd like to see then just comment it. (Yes I do read all the comments)

Third Person P.O.V

"Watch" Y/n says with a grunt, pulling Enid's head up from it's slouched position by her hair, making her watch herself get fucked in the mirror.

Enid lets out a gasp and whine as she sees her disheveled appearance, her hair a tosled mess, streaks of mascara running down her flushed cheeks, tears in her eyes and running down her face from the many orgasms she's already had. She was a mess.

Y/n grins at their reflection, taking in Enid's appearance with a proud smile. Y)n leans down over Enid's body, continuing her brutal thrusts as she grabs Enid by the jaw, keeping her head straight and speaking it her in a raspy, panting voice of excursion, "Such a pretty puppy, you look so good like this babydoll, taking me so well, my good girl right?" She says all in a few breaths.

Enid's breathing picks up at the words, slurred words of "fuck, yes, please" Falling from her lips in her fuck drunk hazed brain. Her eyes fluttering closed as the tenth climax of the night begins to hit her. "Open your eyes babydoll" Y/n roughly says, her panting reaching an all time high as she makes eye contact with Enid in the mirror, she flashes the girl a smug grin and tucks her head into Enid's neck to leave bites and hickies.

Enid's moaning becomes louder than before as her climax hits her. Her claws digging into the slick comforter, ripping it as she lets out a high pitched moan, her legs shaking and quivering harshly. She bites her lip to try and silence herself which simply results in her lip becoming split as slurred curses leave her lips.

"F-fuck... Fuck! Y/n... Ah please... Please!" Y/n continues to fuck Enid through her climax, grinning down at the girl and watching as her legs shake and tears leave her eyes from the overwhelming pleasure. "You can take it baby, I know you can just give me one more babydoll" Y/n says softly, her soft voice contrasting with her rough thrusts. One of her hands is wrapped tightly around Enid's throat, her unoccupied arm is wrapped around Enid's waist, holding her still as she ruts into her.

"Watch baby" The shifter says softly, kissing at Enid's neck and jaw as she continues to thrust, she reaches the hand on Enid's waist down to her clit, with quick movements she rubs the bundle of nerves.

Enid's moans have become rough, voice hoarse from the screaming orgasms and continued begging for release. Her nails claw at Y/n wrists. Holding on for dear life as she's fucked into a fuck drunk mess. Her words becoming incoherent, sentences no longer making sense.

"Fuck.. please... Cum... Y/n please... more~"

The shifter grins proudly at the mess she made out of Enid, watching her in the mirror. " That's my girl, such a good puppy for me, cum for me babydoll, be a good girl and cum for me pretty girl"



"Knees." Comes the command from Wednesday. Enid immediately drops to her knees, her hands resting in the tops of her thighs as she looks up at the small goth with wide, watery eyes.

Wednesday watches the submissive she wolf with a neutral expression on her face, not wanting Enid to be able to read her thoughts.

"I was told you haven't been the good pet we know you are" Wednesday says, breaking the tension in the air and creating a heavy atmosphere for Enid.

Enid knew what she had done, touching herself without permission. She was caught by Y/n and immediately started pleading for forgiveness, begging Y/n not to tell Wednesday and to just punish her, herself. Of course Y/n didn't have the same idea, she simply smirked at Enid and told her to enjoy herself while the shifter watches, giving her small instructions of "Slow down pretty girl", "Breath for me babydoll", "Faster, don't stop now".

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