Chpt. 13: "Azioni involontarie"

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Third person p.o.v

The trio sat in silence for a little over an hour, Y/n's slight mutation had eventually gone away but her eyes still remained the same.

A hurried knock came to the door that caused all three girls to jump harshly, with Y/n flinching the hardest due to her hearing being more sensitive.

Wednesday is the first to stand up, approaching the door with deadly silence. She opens it with the deadliest glare but her expression softens when she sees Gabriella.

"Ciao dolce ragazza, your mother and father are on the way..." Gabriella says softly as she takes Wednesday's face into her hands. Wednesday tries her best not to immediately recoil from the touch, knowing that Gabriella only had the best of intentions.

"Where is James." Wednesday asks in her deadpan tone, Gabriella simply smiles softly down at the younger girl as she arranges the small strands of hair that were out of place.

"He is on the phone at the moment, speaking to the other blood relatives for advice on the matter..." Gabriella says, looking over Wednesday to see Y/n and Enid snuggled together on the floor asleep. Enid had her arms wrapped around Y/n's waist with her face buried in Y/n's neck.

Y/n was in a similar position with her holding Enid close and her face tucked into Enid's hair. The two slept soundlessly in the cold room.

Gabriella looks at her daughter with a pained smile, knowing that she must be going through a lot of pain and confusion.

"Can you explain to me what has happened so far and if anything happened after your phone call? I may not be a blood relative in the Russo family, but I know the family history, maybe I can help..."

Gabriella says softly, keeping her voice down to not wake her daughter and the adorable girl she was cuddling with. Wednesday glances back at Enid and Y/n with a blank face, keeping her emotional opinion to herself.  

"She began to transform back fifteen minutes after our call but as you can see some of the transformation has decided to take residency on her face." Wednesday says coldly, looking up at Gabriella with her usual monotonous face.

"My poor daughter, forced to go through this curse on her own..." Gabriella mutters, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes, the salty water falling into the crease of her crows feet.

"None of the other family members are going through the curse anymore, they are either dead or with their beloved..." She softly speaks, gazing at her daughter with saddened eyes.

"I wish I could be of more assistance, if only I had some kind of power like the outcasts have..." Wednesday looks at Gabriella with a small expression of intrige.

"Are you not an outcast Mrs.Russo?" Wednesday asks, the question in genuine curiosity. "Oh, no I am not, James and I met long before coming to Nevermore but we didn't connect until I took on a TA position during his second year, the rest is history." She says longingly, hands clasped over her heart as she thinks fondly of James.

Wednesday gives a small grunt of disgust and glances back in the direction of Y/n's bed once she hears the sound of rustling.

Enid lets out a soft yawn and stretches her muscles, scratching at her tustled hair and sluggishly looking around the room, seeing Y/n first before Wednesday and Gabriella.

She slowly reaches a hand up, cupping Y/n's cold cheek, caressing it softly with her thumb, a look of longing on her face. She stretches her body and places a gentle kiss to Y/n's forehead before standing and doing a full body stretch, letting out a mewl more similar to a cat than a wolf.

After her stretch she looks in the direction of Wednesday and her eyes light up, having not noticed Gabriella she simply skips over to Wednesday, standing next to her with a beaming smile.

"Hey Willa! Did you get to sleep? It looks like Y/n got better too, I told you she'd get better she's like, super strong!" Enid rants, her imaginary tail wagging at the spread of light while beaming happily at Wednesday.

The shirt goth girl doesn't give Enid a reply, simply nodding along to her words with the tiniest of hums.

Gabriella raises an interested brow at the colorful girl, a small smile gacing her lips. "And who might you be? You seem well aquatinted with dear Wednesday and my daughter" Gabriella says, rasing a brow at Enid and waiting for an answer.

Enid nervously looks up at Gabriella, her imaginary tail now tucked between her legs and shaking nervously. "M-my name is E-enis Sinclair ma'am..." She softly mutters, anxiety obvious on her face.

Gabriella gives the girl a once over, taking in her brightly colored nails and hair, as well as her outfit choice which consisted of a short powder blue pleated skirt, a matching light blue argyle sweater, and black babydoll shoes.

She looks absolutely adorable, was Gabriella's first thought. "Well aren't you just the cutest little thing, Wednesday why didn't you tell me you had such a cute friend, trying to keep her all to yourself?" She asks in a playfully teasing voice.

Wednesday's pale cheeks dorn a light pink flush at Gabriella's teasing but her expression remains neutral, not letting her true feelings show." I like to keep my prey close to me." The goth replies, shooting Enid a small smirk and turn on her heels, doing an about face and matching towards Y/n who still lay on the ground sleeping soundlessly.

Wednesday bends down into an asian squat to look at Y/n's face, taking in her soft but defined features. How her dimples showed even as she slept, the small beauty marks that Kay on her face as well as the light brushing of dark freckles across her cheeks and nose.

Wednesday noticed how every mark on her body seemed so perfectly place, like none of it was a mistake or accidental. Everything on her had a purpose and that was to enhance the shifters beauty.

To entrance Wednesday with all seven(7) little beauty marks resting on the girls caramel skin.

Every mark, every little blemish gave Wednesday the feeling of magets rolling around in her abdomen, the thought of Y/n's face had her wanting to clear her throat of the frogs stuck in it.

Y/n had her heart captured, trapping Wednesday's cold, undead heart inside a little box and making it bear wildly, fueling her face with a red flush and making her blood boil at the feeling.

Lust. Love. The things Wednesday never thought she would truly experience. She thought she found it with Tyler, obviously not but Y/n...

Oh sweet sweet Y/n...

She, she was different...

There through everything.

For Nero.

For poor old missing uncle Fester.

For the birth of Pubert.


And that only made the feelings worse. Stronger. Harder to ignore, to deny.

Wednesday was in love.

Very much so in love with Y/n Russo.

But Enid...

A small voice in the back of her head says.

Enid had also been there for everything.

Her first day.

The murders.

The flashbacks.

The Rave'N



Was it truly love she felt for Y/n or simply lust?

Was it truly love she felt for Enid or simply union?

What did Wednesday want? What was good for Wednesday.

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