Chpt. 7: "Un centesimo per i tuoi pensieri?"

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A/n: WE'RE AT 10K READS HOLY SHEIT GUYS THANK YOU!!!! I really wasn't expecting attention to get gained on this book so I'm very happy to know you guys are enjoying it enough to keep coming back to it.

Third Person P.O.V (Following Y/n)

The first day hadn't been exactly what Y/n expected. During lunch she wasn't sure who to sit with since she was no longer talking with Wednesday and Enid seemed to be ignoring her which meant the rest of her pack was ignoring her too.

Y/n simply decided that her dorm room was the best option for a bit of quiet time as well as a place to cool down comfortably.

The day wasn't going her way so that caused her some stress, although she said she would never talk to Wednesday again that didn't mean it was easy. The moment the amber eyed girl found out a new fact or something she thought Wednesday would like she had the immediate urge to rush and tell the girl before anyone else did and then she'd remember that she wasn't talking to her so she would go look for Enid instead and then remember that Enid didn't like the same things as Wednesday.

It was hard on Y/n to give up a love she is literally cursed with for the rest of her life. She didn't want this, for herself or anyone else. Sure the feelings of love and warmth were really nice but the downside of her love not feeling the same way always physically hurt once she remembers.

When the time came to move on to the next person Y/n knew she would never be able to let go of Wednesday, her love for the girl too deep to just dissipate after one argument.

Y/n almost wanted to laugh thinking about it. Saying that she'd never go back to Wednesday when in reality if Wednesday really wanted Y/n to do something all it took was a look and the animal shifter would be on her knees ready to service the Addams girl in whatever way she needed.

Knowing that Wednesday enjoyed having a loyal toy to play with until she got bored excited her. The feeling of simply being wanted by Wednesday in that moment was enough for Y/n for so long but now she craved so much more.

Wednesday wasn't one for praise but when she was especially proud of Y/n she would give her the smallest bit of praise. Things like "What a good weapon" or "Your techniques have improved, good job pet".

Many people wouldn't like it but it was praise like that, that Y/n lived for. That she would kill for. Wednesday could snap her fingers and at that command Y/n would be ready to risk all that she was to protect the girl.

Pathetic right? Unconditional dedication rewarded with a cold shoulder and manipulation. Although toxic, anything more or less just wouldn't feel like Wednesday to Y/n.

Sure Y/n didn't exactly want to neglected and ignored until Wednesday decided to play with her but at the same time she lived for Wednesday's distant behavior, it made her want the girl so much more. Something like a forbidden thing, untouchable until she allows it so.

The simple thought of it made Y/n smile like a fool in love. Then a frown began etching itself back on to her face at the thought of what she did to Enid.

Although Enid did not protest in the moment, it doesn't make it any better that she partially used the girl as a rebound for Wednesday. The feeling didn't sit right with her which is one of the many reasons she began avoiding her.

On top of the fact that she unknowingly mate scented the poor wolf without her consent.  Even if she didn't mean to scent her, she still did it and felt bad everytime she smelt the mix of strawberries, vanilla cream, and just all things Enid.

It was overwhelming how much comfort Y/n found in the scent of a girl she met only a few days ago. Whole deeply denying the affection she felt for the werewolf was just a way to get over Wednesday, it was hard to deny the butterflies she got when she would catch the girl giving her heart eyes from across their classroom or when she could hear Enid ranting about her in Yoko's room.

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