Pavard 😄 Miss Me

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When I found you, I found me
- Will Linely

Benjamin Pavard
🇫🇷France National Team🇫🇷
Bayern Munich

Benjamin Pavard🇫🇷France National Team🇫🇷Bayern Munich

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Ben told me to and I quote "get ready and look cute" for today's outing. I have no idea what's he's got planned, but here I am, salvaged a cute sundress from my suitcase for the occasion.

We head out the hotel to the beach. We walk towards the water until Ben stops me.

"So..." he says pulling a folded paper out of his back pocket, "I have something for you."
"What's this?" I ask taking the paper into my hand.
"Read it," he says.

I open up the folds to see his handwriting scribbled across the page.

You know by now I'm not much of a wordsmith like you. Everything on this letter is a culmination of things I jotted down on my phone's notebook for the past 9 months.

I was driving home one day and the radio hosts were talking about things you love about your significant other. Immediately lots of things came to mind: Your smile, your sense of humor, how much you love your job.

And then I started thinking about it more. I got to the things I love that I'm sure you don't even realize you're doing.

I love how some part of your body always needs to be in contact with mine when we watch tv. I love how without fail you come back home from work every afternoon humming a song. As jealous as I am of it, I love how you're able to fall asleep in seconds.

And I kept on going, there was an infinite list of things I loved about you. And then I wondered what a life without you would look like. I won't go into detail, but it wasn't pleasant.

As cheesy as it sounds, when I found you, I found me. The me who happily dances around the coffee table every night to Taylor Swift. The me who subconsciously boils the kettle every evening because you can't sleep without your cup of tea. The me who makes sure the snacks are kept in the lower cabinet because you can't reach the top shelf.

Life without you would suck. Going to bed without you making me laugh would suck. Watching Netflix without fastforwarding every 10 seconds would suck.

I can't thank my lucky stars enough for letting me be in the right place at the right time so I could meet you.

We've been on an adventure of a lifetime. There's been ups and downs. Lots of forehead kisses and airport goodbyes. Lots of disagreements, but also times where my heart would swell at the sight you.

There's no one else I would want to go on what's left of this journey with. It would be the greatest honor to spend the rest of my days with you. To continue growing into the man you deserve, that will always laugh at your dad jokes. To be the man that will walk to the ends of the Earth just to make you smile.

And now that I've written down every cliche in the book, if you don't mind, I'd love to spend the rest of our lives together: German Netflix with French subtitles. Holidays in the Maldives. Evenings on the balcony eating Italian from the restaurant down the street. One day starting a family. You can sing to our kids German nursery rhymes and I'll read to them French bedtime stories. And I'd hope that they get your sense of humor and not your terrible hand eye coordination. And I hope they'll grow up to be as kind as you (and as smart)

I wrote this all down in a letter because I knew if I had to stand in front of you and say it, I would forget something. And I need you to know all the ways you've impacted my life, leaving nothing out.

With all that being said, I do have one question that I think can only be asked out loud...

I look up from the paper with my eyes flooded with tears.

Ben reaches into his pocket for a small black box and slowly gets down on one knee. He opens the box that houses a beautiful ring and looks up at me with a nervous smile.

"Sabine Kaufmann, will you marry me?" He asks.
"Yes. A million times yes," I say as the tears fall down my face.

He slowly places the ring on my finger and gets up to hug me. I bury my head in his chest, feeling overcome with emotion.

"I love you so much," he mumbles.
"I love you," I say into his chest.

I lift my head up with a smile.

"Thank you for choosing me," I say.
"Easiest choice I ever did make," he says with a smile.

@sabine_kaufmann: A week ago my best friend got down on one knee and asked about forever💍

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@sabine_kaufmann: A week ago my best friend got down on one knee and asked about forever💍

Now we're back home eating McDonalds on the couch.

And I can honestly say: I love our small quiet moments just as much as I love the big ones.

I love you @benpavard21❤️

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