Lingard Pt 2

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Don't forget to read part 1 - The Greatest


From Jesse
Off to London for the weekend game, sorry I won't be there for the grand welcome back. Left the spare keys @ Marcus's place.

See you when I get back


I exit our chat and open Spotify. I guess this is it. 6 months and now it's already time to go back.

Part of me is happy to get back to a sense of familiarity, the other part is going to miss being a total stranger in a foreign city.

I rearrange my seating position to get comfortable for my long ride back home.

I get a cab to drop me off at Marcus's house. I text his girlfriend to let her know I'm here.

I see her standing at her doorway as I make my way towards her.

"VALERIE FITZGERALD, what the f*ck?" She screams with a laugh.

She wraps her arms around me in a hug.

"I forgot how much I missed you," I say with a laugh.
"Drop your bags wherever, I have 17 million questions to ask you," she says leading me inside.
"Understandable," I say walking with her to the kitchen island.
"So can I make you coffee or tea while you spill the tea?" She asks with a giggle.
"I would love some coffee thank you," I say.
"Okay so your Instagram feed literally looks like a travel blog now, and I love it. How was it?" She asks.
"It was amazing. 20 counties in 6 months," I say.
"Wow, so you pretty much did the whole of Europe," she says.
"Yeah, it was really good," I say.
"Which place was your favourite?" She asks.
"My heart still belongs to The Netherlands," I say with a smile.
"Was this time better than when Manchester played Ajax?" She asks.
"Yeah," I say with a laugh, "I got to do a bit more than just eating our way through Amsterdam."
"My follow up question being, what? When? How? Huh??" She says dramatically, "I didn't even know you had a vacation planned, much less a 6 month long vacation."
"It's kind of a long story. Remember when we had dinner at Daniel's place and Scott and Mason were there?" I ask.
"Yeah, I vaguely remember. 6 months was a long time ago," she says with a laugh.
"Well, the topic of Jesse and I getting married came up and, long story short, we got into a fight about it. I said I feel like I'm too young to be in such a serious relationship. I thought at my age I would be travelling the world. I didn't say it in as many words but, I said I feel trapped," I say.
"Woah, I can't imagine he took that well," she says.
"Not at all, but eventually he said take 6 months. Travel the world. And when you come back you can decide whether you want to call it quits or not. And at that point I knew whether I take the 6 months or not, things between him and I will never be the same. So I guess here I am, 6 months later, about to make the decision of a lifetime," I say.
"Have you made up your mind in term of what you want?" She asks.
"Deep down I know what's good for me as an individual, but Jesse and I have been together for so long, I have to, at least, hear how he's feeling," I say, "like you said, 6 months is a long time. Maybe we're on the same page now, maybe we're on totally different pages. It's just really confusing."
"Lucky for you, they only get back tomorrow, so you have the night to sleep on the big decision," she says.
"I foresee a restless night," I groan.
"I can't imagine him having it any easier," she says.


The day I've been both dreading and happily anticipating arrives. Big decision time.

It felt good being back in my old bed with my own pillow, especially after being away for so long.

The time nears closer to when Jesse is supposed to get back. I start on getting dinner ready.

My heart starts beating when I hear the door open. He comes into sight lagging behind his bag.

I wrap my arms around him for the first time in forever. I bury my head in his chest and tighten my grip on his shirt.

"I missed you so much," he whispers.
"I missed you," I say

We break apart and I feel as though my heart is about to explode. I feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"Aww, baby," he says cradling my head against his chest.
"I'm so glad to be back," I say.
"It's so good having you here after an away game," he says.
"So I made your favourite, I figured I owe you one," I say with a laugh.
"And I am hungry," he says, "let me just put my stuff away and I'll be down."

We sit down at the kitchen island and start talking.

"So how was your Euro tour?" He asks.
"I had a good time, it was nice to have a break from everyday life," I say with a laugh.
"You probably know what I'm going to ask next," he says.
"Addressing the elephant in the room," I say.
"Yup, where's your head at?" He asks.
"I wanted to ask you first, do you still want to be in a relationship with me after what I said?" I ask.
"Of course, obviously I felt a little hurt, but I do understand where you're coming from with us being young. And I think it was something that had to happen so 10 years down the line you never have to regret not doing it," he says
"So we're still good?" I ask.
"I'm good with us if you are," he says.
"I'm so relieved, I don't know what I would've done if you wanted to call it quits permanently," I say.
"So does that mean you're sticking around?" He asks.
"I'm in it for the long run," I say sticking my hand across the table for his.

He laces his with mine as I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for choosing me Jay," I say.
"Thank you for staying," he says.
"Easiest decision I ever did make," I say with a smile, "who knows maybe I might not run for the hills at the thought of marriage now."
"Who are you and what have you done with the old Valerie?" He mocks.

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