Van Dijk 😀 For The First Time

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But we're gonna start by drinking old cheap bottles of wine, sit talking up all night, doing things we haven't for a while.
- The Script

Virgil Van Dijk
🇳🇱Dutch National Team🇳🇱

I feel Virgil's hand rest on shoulder which slightly startles me

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I feel Virgil's hand rest on shoulder which slightly startles me. He gives a tired smile as he sits down next to me looking at the view ahead, well more like darkness.

"What are you doing up so late?" He asks.
"I don't need no sleep, cos I'm already dreaming," I say.
"Really? A Martin Garrix reference," he says raising an eyebrow.

I let out a chuckle as I rest my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around my shoulder running his finger aimlessly across my arm.

"I know you're not up at 3AM because you're trying to live out a Martin Garrix song. What's got you up?" He asks.
"Just thinking about everything and nothing," I say.
"I'm gonna need some elaboration," he says.
"I'm just thinking how this is our first holiday without the kids and I'm thinking what if they're driving your mom crazy," I say.
"There's no if they are driving her nuts, no doubt in my mind. But they're too cute to be mad at for too long," he says with a laugh.
"I kinda feel bad as well. You're away so often back in England and us going on this holiday feels like I'm taking away time that you could've spent time with the girls," I say.
"When we're in England, we're mom and dad, but we also need time alone so we can actually be husband and wife for a while. What good is it for the girls if we don't have a healthy relationship? We needed some alone time," he says reassuringly.
"Yeah, I guess it's just mom guilt," I say.
"It has been a while though since we did something like this," he says.
"It is nice for a change to not hear Frozen constantly playing in the background," I say with a laugh.
"So seeing as you're not coming back to bed anytime soon, why don't we finish that bottle of wine from last night and maybe watch the sunrise. Something we haven't done in a while," he suggests.
"Are you trying to get me drunk on non-alcoholic wine, Virgil Van Dijk?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, maybe I can get your phone number and take you home," he says.
"To play Scrabble?" I ask.
"And Monopoly," he says with a laugh as he gets up to get the wine bottle.

He comes back a few seconds later with two tea cups and the bottle.

"Hotel rooms need to start keeping wine glasses," he says with a laugh.
"Well I've personally never drank wine out of a tea cup, but I'm down," I say holding out my cup as he pours some wine into it.
"To our no kids vacation," he says as we raise our cups.
"And to pretending that this isn't non-alcoholic wine, because none of us can handle our alcohol like grown adults," I say with a laugh

"So what's been your favourite part of our holiday so far?" I ask.
"I think just lazing around and not constantly having something to do has surprisingly been the best part," he says, "what about you?"
"I agree with you. Not running errands every living breathing second has been fun," I say.
"Do you remember what it was like before we had kids?" He asks.
"That was a long five years ago lief. I don't even remember who I was before kids," I say with a laugh.
"We used to do this all the time. Staying up late, talking about everything and anything. I kinda miss it, but I also wouldn't trade the life we have now for anything in the world," he says.
"Who's to say we can't do that now. Drinking wine, sit talking up all night, just doing the stuff we have done in a while," I say.
"Where do we even start? I think after kids there's no more secrets to spill. You know everything about me," he says.
"We've covered exes, ten year plan, what would you do with a million euros. What else is there to ask," I ask.
"In the past 8 years that we've been together, what's been the worst moment of your life?"he asks.
"Heavy," I say surprised at his question, "I think the move to Scotland was really tough. Just having to give up my job was a hard pill to swallow. And having to pick up and leave everything back home was one of the worst few months I've been through. What's been the worst moment for you?"
"Mine was in the same time period. When I first went to Celtic and I could feel your resentment towards me and how much you hated not being at work. In that time I seriously thought that there was no way we were making it out of Scotland together as a couple. Coming home from training everyday was a constant "is this the day she's gonna call everything off?" fear," he says.
"It's really a miracle we made it out of those first few months in Scotland. I'm just glad we made it out and everything's better now," I say.
"What's been you're favourite moment from the past 8 years?" He asks.
"Definitely having our kids, our wedding day, but those things aside it's you coming home after an away game and the girls running to you the second you open that door, it just warms my heart. What's been your favourite moment?" I ask.
"Apart from our wedding and kids, I think it's those off days where we just lay in bed the whole day and the girls cuddle with us and somehow my hair is the guinea pig for their hairdresser game," he says with a laugh.
"We really do have the best girls in the world," I say.
"I don't know what I'd do without them," he says.
"Weekends sleeping in and afternoons not doing homework," I say.
"How boring," he says with a laugh, "I get joy from our Frozen sing alongs."
"They're really lucky to have you as dad," I say.
"They're even luckier to have you as a mom," he says.
"It's funny just thinking about them and not knowing how it's possible to love two people so much," I say.
"Beats me every time. I kinda just want them to stay the way they are now I don't think I'm ready for two teenage girls," I say.
"What do you mean? You met me when we were teenagers," I say playfully hitting his chest.
"That's exactly why I'm not ready for teenage girls. You were a handful back in our youth," he says.
"And you were just a saint?" I ask raising my eyebrow.
"Far from, which is why I'm happy we have two girls so there's no way they can take after me," he says.
"Well, what if we were to have a boy...." I say looking up at him with a smile on my face.

He looks at me with confusion evident on his face.

"What do you mean?" He asks.
"What if we are having a boy," I say.
"Are? As in now?" He asks starting to get excited.

A big smile erupts on my face as I place his hand on my "not showing yet" belly.

"Baby Van Dijk," I say.
"Are you serious?" He asks.

I nod my head.

"We're having a baby," he says in a whisper.
"The Van Dijk clan is growing bigger," I say.
"This is just the best news to top off an already great week," he says as he places his hand on my cheek and pulls me closer to him.
"Je wordt weer een papa," I say before kissing him softly. [You're going to be a dad again]
"En je wordt een mama," he says after we break apart. [And you're going to be a mom]

"I hope one day our little ones grow up to be just like their dad," I say leaning my head back on his shoulder.

Okay, are we not all crying?

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