Dybala 😀 Back To You

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@savagepersonever thanks for the request. Hope you like it, even though it's a million years late🤭

I know I'd go back to you

- Selena Gomez

Paulo Dybala
🇦🇷Argentinian National Team

Paulo Dybala🇦🇷Argentinian National Team⚫⚪Juventus

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@andrea_lucci: I'm going to miss these sunsets☀️ Turin: T minus 12 hours 🇮🇹

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@andrea_lucci: I'm going to miss these sunsets☀️ Turin: T minus 12 hours 🇮🇹

Stalking your ex? Not a great idea, Paulo.

So what, your girlfriend decides to leave you to travel the world. That's not the worst break up story I've heard of.

Died her hair blonde and deleted every picture of you on her Instagram, that's where things start to get a bit sad.

A big part of me wonders what went wrong between us. We were great, until I got replaced by a series of Air BnB's and plane tickets.

That's the thing about Andrea, she's one of those people you never really get over. She was overly competitive, she couldn't cook to save her life and don't get me started on the sarcasm. But one thing remains true, she was the love of my life, well still is.

It's been two years of only seeing her through filtered pictures and cheesy captions. She looks happy, maybe it'd hurt less if she didn't. Don't get me wrong, I wish her well, I just hope that there's a small part of her that's miserable because of that night in Turin.

I walk back into our apartment after training to see her sitting on the bed alongside a suitcase.

"Uhm, what's this?" I ask not hiding my confusion.
"I think we need to talk," she says apologetically.
"What's wrong?" I ask immediately jumping to conclusions.
"Before I say anything, I want you to know that it's not your fault, everything I'm about to say is for my own selfish reasons," she says grabbing my hand.
"Just say it already," I say as my heart starts beating faster and faster.
"I'm leaving Turin indefinitely to, as cliché as it sounds, travel the world," she says.
"What? Why?" I ask unable to process what she's telling me.
"I know we always dreamt of traveling the world together, but I can't wait any longer. You're always working and I don't blame you for that, I just want to see the world before it's too late," I say.
"So where does that leave us?" I ask.
"I don't know how long I'll be away, and I don't want to stop you from living you life. So maybe it'd be better if we just pressed the pause button for a while," she says.
"Is that the polite way of breaking up with me?" I ask feeling the bruises on my ego form.
"I'm sorry if I hurt you, but what if I'm not the one for you and the minute I land in Dubai, you meet the love of your life and you live happily ever after," she says trying to compensate.
"You don't get to say things like that knowing you're about to walk out that door. Look, I'm all for chasing the dream, but I thought you'd at least be more skeptical of throwing away 3 years of us away," I say.
"I need to do this Paulo, I can apologize till I'm blue in the face, but it'll mean nothing until you can understand how important this is to me," she says.
"When were you planning on telling me?" I ask.
"Is there ever the right time to tell someone you're leaving?" She asks.
"Where are you even going?" I ask.
"Everywhere. But I'll be back,"


And I haven't seen her since, until tonight.

I nervously sit down at the table feeling very uncomfortable in my newly purchased shirt. Is it bad that I hope she likes it?

And what I feared most, her walking in and all the pain she caused ceasing to nothing, happened the second she walked into the room.

Blonde hair, golden skin and that damn smile.

I subconsciously send myself into a panic worrying if I'm over dressed, if I smell good, if I should've chosen a fancier restaurant.

"Allow me to reintroduce myself. I'm Andrea," she says outstretching her hand.
"Paulo, nice to meet you," I say playing along.
"It oddly feels like I've known you forever," she says with a chuckle.
"Like some just pressed the unpause button," I say.
"So how are you?" She asks in a more serious tone.
"Don't really know how to answer that question," I say shrugging my shoulders.
"How come?" She asks.
"Well you walking in here like nothing happened really threw a spanner in the works," I say.
"If anything, I'm glad you still wanted to talk to me after what I did to you," she says.
"So was it worth it?" I ask.
"It was. And I know that's not what you want to hear. But I did learn so much while I was away," she says.
"Like what, going off the grid for two years wasn't the smartest play in the book," I suggest sarcastically.
"That, and I realized what a great man I left behind," she says.
"So are you here to stay?" I ask.
"Maybe if I'm given a good enough reason to stay," she says.
"You had every reason in the world to stay years ago but that wasn't enough. What's different this time around?" I ask.
"I'm older and wiser now. I was just a stupid girl when I left, but now I know what I want and trust me, it's not to stay in shitty hotels and butchering foreign languages," she says.
"So what do you want now, I have to hear it from you?" I ask.
"I want what we had and better from here on out," she says.

Her hand reaches out across the table looking for quiet reassurance.

I have a second of internal conflict trying to decide if I'm willing to put myself through this all over again.

What if she just leaves again? What if I wasted the past two years living on the hope that she would come back? What if this is all a mistake?

I take a deep breath as I reach my hand out meeting hers.

We both let out a relieved smile.

Two years spent continents apart and somehow finding our way back to each other. That must stand for something right?

"The stupid part of me knew that I'd go back to you," I say.
"Then I can't thank that stupid part of you enough for giving me a second chance," she says, "next flight I take will be to support you at your next away."
"Sounds like music to my ears," I say feeling very content with this moment.

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