Chapter 6- Never have I ever...

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 (((Chloe's POV)))

“Will you be my girlfriend?” The question replayed in my head a thousand times once we sat down on a bench next to the campfire. I really liked Harry, so I said yes. I have to admit I bounced back and forth between yes and no for a few moments. The last relationship I was in didn’t end very well. He was my first boyfriend and we were together for a little over a year. I thought he was amazing and perfect in every way. At least he was before I saw him eating some other girl’s face in the woods in my backyard. I was heartbroken. My mom had no idea how much it was hurting so she didn’t try to help much. Niall was there though, the whole time. He knew something was up even when I told him I was alright.

Anyways, I decided in a few seconds after Harry asked that important question, that not all guys were the same. Harry treated me like a real man should. It was a wonderful feeling.

“Let’s play a game!” somebody yelled sitting across from me pulling me out of my thoughts. There was a chorus of “yes’s” and “what game’s?” shortly after. “It’s called ‘Never Have I Ever’.” The same girl said.

“That’s a drinking game?” another girl questioned.

“It doesn’t have to be,” the other girl argued.

“So how are we supposed to play it?” Harry butted in.

“We could play with marshmallows,” somebody suggested.

“Let’s do it!” everyone agreed and so we began going around. A girl around my age started. She picked up a marshmallow and shoved it in her mouth.

“Never have I ever…” she paused to think for a moment. “Never have I ever kissed a guy on the first date.”

“My turn!”  I looked to my left to see my Irish friend smiling widely. He picked up a marshmallow and ate it. “Never have I ever lied to my best friend,” he said shooting me a wink. It was true. We never lied to each other. We really couldn’t because he could tell when I was lying and vice versa. That’s just how it worked between us.

Harry stood up. “Hand me the marshmallows.” A girl stood up and gave him the bag. He quickly shoved one in his mouth. “Never have I ever told someone I loved them and didn’t mean it,” he looked down at me before grabbing both of my hands before starting again. “And I love you Chloe.” He whispered so only I could hear. I knew I was blushing and I hoped nobody could see it.

We continued to play ‘Never Have I Ever’ for a few hours. Niall kept going over and over again. I think he just liked the marshmallows, to be honest.  We had to end the game eventually because more and more people were disappearing to go to bed since it was getting pretty late. It ended up being me, Niall, Harry, Cassidy, a boy named Joey, and some girl named Mickey. Her name was Michaela, but she liked Mickey better. We sat around the fire just enjoying each other’s company. The wood had turned into embers, glowing faintly and providing little warmth.

“Niall, can you go get some wood?” Cassidy asked. Niall nodded and got up in search for wood. I snuggled closer to Harry and he draped his arm over my shoulder. A few minutes later Niall came back and his arms were filled to their full capacity. He looked like he was struggling so  I walked over to help.

“Its fine, I’ve got it.” He protested. I shook my head, took some of the wood anyways, and threw it on the ground next to the benches. Niall put the remainder on the pile of embers.

“So what now?” he sighed sitting back down next to Cassidy.

“Spin the bottle.” Mickey said smirking and holding her water bottle in the palm of her hand. Joey, Cassandra, and Harry nodded in agreement. I was shocked to see that Harry was on board. What if he had to kiss one of the other girls? Did that not bother him? Niall looked over at me to see if I was playing. I could tell he really wanted to. I shrugged and Niall grinned.

“I’m in,” he said to the rest of the group. Everyone looked at me. I hated the attention.

“Might as well,” I sighed. Mickey clapped her hands in excitement and set the bottle in the middle of the circle we sat down in. She began to spin it and I held my breath hoping it wouldn’t land on me or Harry. The bottle slowed and came to a halt, pointing at Joey. I gasped for air and smiled. One more spin to go. This time I crossed my fingers. She spun it once again. This time, it landed on herself. She started to blush like crazy. Joey walked over and gave her a quick peck on the lips, seeming uninterested. As soon as he backed away, I could see Mickey’s disappointed face. I felt really bad. She must have really liked him.

“Okay, moving on,” Cassidy said grabbing the bottle and spinning it around. It slowed and landed on Niall.

“Spin it!” Niall cheered, obviously excited on who it might land on. The first time it was spun, it landed on Harry. That was pretty funny and earned a few laughs from the people sitting around me.  No, they didn’t kiss. Cassidy spun it again. It went super-fast. I thought it was never going to end. But it did, this time, landing on me. Harry looked at me frowning. Niall started to walk towards me.

“No! Sit your Irish butt back down!” Harry yelled.

“Hey, rules are rules!” Joey said snickering. Niall continued walking towards me. I was frozen in my spot, not knowing if I should run away, or stay. Before I could make up my mind, it was too late. Niall was millimeters away from my lips.

“I’m sorry,” he said before he closed the small gap separating the two of us. His lips were soft against mine. The kiss lingered a bit before he pulled away. I could only pray that Harry didn’t see the light pink that had tinted my cheeks.

The kiss was nice. I hadn’t been kissed like that before. Then again, I really hadn’t been kissed by anyone but Harry. His kisses were rougher. They sent shivers throughout my body, but Niall’s was different. It sent butterflies erupting into my stomach. Actually, screw butterflies. It was like a zoo! I dismissed the thoughts racing through my mind as Harry pulled me away from the group.

“What was that?” he asked. His voice was cracking.

“Harry, it was nothing! It’s just a game,” I said trying to reassure him. He ran his fingers through his curls and sighed.

“Please just tell me, do you like Niall?” he asked desperately.

“No!” Liar.

“Yes you do!” Harry’s right.

“Harry please!” I begged. He started to walk away. I grabbed him by the wrists and turned him around. “Please just kiss me!” I needed him to kiss me. Just so I would know that the sudden feelings I had for Niall were absurd. Harry shook his head, ‘no’. I couldn’t let him walk away from me like that. I wrapped my arms around his neck and started to kiss him passionately. He was shocked at first, but after a few seconds he kissed back, and it felt wonderful. I pulled away.

“Chloe, you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Do you really think I’m not gonna let somebody like that walk in and out of my life that fast? I said I loved you didn’t I?”

I smiled looking up at him and kissed his cheek. He grinned making one of his dimples appear. “I love you too.”

That was the first time I had told a boy I loved him. I told family and stuff that I loved them, but that’s not the way I felt about Harry. I’ve told Niall I loved him, but he felt more like a brother. I just counted him as the ‘family’ category. He did the same for me. I was hopelessly in love with Harry Styles and it had only been a week. Oh gosh.


A/N well looks like Niall and Chloe kissed and Harry does not seem very happy.... Uh Oh. BUT they made up in the end and said they loved eachother aww ;)

So tell me Team Carry or Ciall?? Let me know in the comments!!

I love hearing all of your opions good or bad!

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2 votes and 1 comment for chapter 7??? (wont update until then :P)

Until the next chapter.. BYE :D


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