Chapter 8- Can you feel the love tonight?

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A/N yay! update time :) You guys reached 6 votes and 2 comments, which exceeded my expectations so here is chapter 8! :)


(((Niall's POV)))

I rubbed soothing circles onto Cassidy’s back as she cried into my chest. God, if only Harry knew what he did to this girl! Mickey and Joey left as soon as the water works came leaving only the two of us.

“Please don’t cry anymore,” I begged. I hated seeing girls cry. She looked up at me and managed a small laugh as she wiped away some of the tears.

“I’m sorry about all of this,” she said getting off of my lap and taking a seat next to me instead.

“It’s fine, I just don’t want to see you cry.” I replied honestly earning a smile from Cassidy. “So if you don’t mind me asking, how long has it been since you and Harry had your falling out?” I asked cautiously hoping not to trigger the tears.

“Only about six days ago,” she said quietly, a tiny sob escaping her mouth. I did the math in my head and finally fit the pieces of the puzzle together.

6 days ago…

“Chloe!” I heard a feminine squeal say her name. I knew exactly who it was.

“Hi Cassidy!”  Chloe said, trying to sound enthusiastic about her presence.

“So, I’ve heard Harry’s got a ‘thing’ for you.” She said making hand gestures with her perfectly manicured fingers.

“No, I literally just met him last night.” She replied. Cassidy wasn’t convinced.

“Oh, come on girl! Give me the details! Is he a good kisser?” She said with her nasally voice. I rolled my eyes watching their conversation.

“I’m telling you, I seriously just met him. What’s the big deal if he talks to me? It doesn’t mean he likes me.” She said. I started to tap my foot impatiently and Chloe turned around giving me a sympathetic smile.  “Cassidy, I have to go.” she said starting to walk towards me.

“Okay, but if anything happens, I want to be the first to know.” She said in a sing-song voice.

“You will.” She replied ending the conversation and walking with me to get to the beach.

Harry was cheating on Cassidy with Chloe! I could not believe it, I don’t even think Chloe knew! I couldn’t tell her, she wouldn’t believe me even if I did.

“I’m sorry about what happened with Harry.” I said trying to cheer Cass up. She smiled warmly at me, in which I returned. “Does Harry treat every girl like that? Like what he did to you?” I asked. I needed to look out for my best friend. There was no way I was letting her get hurt.

“I don’t think so. I don’t think he really loved me in the first place. Honestly I don’t think he thought it would hurt me as much as it did. I give off that kind of impression on the outside. You know?” she asked squinting. I let out a sigh of relief knowing Harry wasn’t always like that. Maybe it was just with Cassidy. A one time thing. Everyone makes mistakes. I had to give him the benefit of the doubt.

“When I confronted Harry for cheating, he said the girl he found was who he should be with. He said that we need to get away from each other and that I deserved better than him. He said that he thought he found ‘the one’. It was heartbreaking hearing him tell me that he found someone new, but life goes on I guess.”

I listened as Cassidy went on and on about her breakup and wanted so desperately to tell her that it was Chloe he was cheating on her with, but I didn’t have the heart. Chloe and Cassidy aren’t exactly best friends, but they are on good terms with each other and I don’t want to be the one to ruin it.

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