Chapter 17- Crab legs? Count me out!

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(((Chloe’s POV)))

“Dinner’s ready!” I heard Anne call from the kitchen. Harry and I both stood up from the couch we were currently sitting on, watching a movie. We ran to the kitchen laughing and I stopped frozen in the doorway when I saw what was on the table.

Crab legs.

“Just try a piece! They are great!” Niall exclaimed shoving the crab in my face. I shook my head profusely turning my face up in disgust.

“I’m not eating something that was at one point crawling around on the beach!” I replied taking a bite of my chicken.

“It’s so good! You are missing out if you don’t try it,” Niall continued trying to get me to eat.

“No. I refuse.” I sat there with my arms crossed looking like a child, but I didn’t really care.

“If you don’t eat this crab leg, I am going to go outside, find Dylan and tell him that you dream about him at night.” Niall said smiling, proud of his threat. My jaw dropped to the floor.

Dylan was my crush when I was thirteen. He was absolutely perfect at the time and Niall knew I liked him; A LOT. 

“You wouldn’t dare!” I shrieked. 

“I would,” Niall laughed manically.

“I hate you,” I muttered picking up a piece of the crab. Before I could think twice, I shoved it into my mouth.

Long story short, I was up puking all night and part of the next morning. Niall didn’t hear the end of that one for about a year. I still can’t even look at crab without feeling nauseous.

“Harry, I’m not really hungry,” I lied. I was actually starving. I skipped out on lunch and breakfast; God only knows why I would do such a thing. Usually skipping one meal for me is like not being fed for a month. 

“What do you mean? You were telling me you were starving while we were watching TV.” Harry said, seeming concerned. I didn’t want to tell him about my embarrassing story, but if that’s what it would take to get out of eating that crab, then so be it.

“Can I talk to you for a second?” I whispered so only he could hear. Harry nodded and I took his hand leading him into the other room.

“What’s wrong?” he asked worriedly.

“I can’t eat,” I said simply. His eyes widened.

“Why not? Are you becoming anorexic? Please don’t do those harmful things to yourself Chloe. I can go get my mum if you need someone to talk to. You don’t need to lose weight. You are skinny enough and I love the way you look..” he rambled trailing off about how ‘perfect’ I am. Psh. Yeah right! Ha.

“I do not have an eating disorder!” I giggled. He looked down embarrassed.

“Well then why can’t you eat?” he asked.

“I can’t eat crab. When I was thirteen, Niall made me try it and I was up all night puking. I don’t want to get sick in front of your family after only being at your house for two days,” I explained.

“I can make you something else if you want. Do you uh like… Cereal?” he asked, eyebrows raised hopefully. I smiled and nodded.

“I love cereal,” I laughed. Harry guided me back to the dining room where Gemma and Anne looked at us confused.

“Chloe can’t eat crab or she will puke,” Harry said bluntly. Gemma snickered and Anne stood up from her seat to come over and embrace me in a hug.

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