Chapter 20~ "I'll send you a postcard..."

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(((Chloe’s POV)))

Fast forward to Niall's X-Factor audition...

“Are you nervous?” I asked Niall in the car on the way to his audition. He shook his head flashing me a toothy grin.

“I’m more excited than nervous.”

“Good,” I replied kissing him on the cheek.

Since August, nothing has really happened to Niall and I’s relationship. We were still taking it slow, and I refused to let him call me anything more than his best friend. Every time I let him down, he said he understood. I’d like to think that he did but I knew that deep down, he was becoming impatient with me.

Ever since what happened with Harry, I had been more cautious around guys, including Niall. I knew that I had nothing to worry about with him and that he would never hurt me, but something just told me the time wasn’t right. I love Niall, but I am not ready to put that love into a full blown relationship.

Niall had stuff to worry about with his career anyway. There wasn’t time for me if he wanted to be a famous singer. I know that that is where his heart is, and I don’t want to be the one thing holding him back here in Mullingar.

“Promise you will wait back stage and watch?” Niall asked me after a few seconds of silence.

“Yeah of course! What makes you think I wouldn’t?” I laughed. He sighed in relief as if I would say something different. I personally think he worries too much; I know he will do great. “What song are you singing anyways?” I enquired.

“So sick,” he replied shrugging.

“I’m surprised you aren’t singing Justin Bieber,” I joked. Niall pushed me playfully.

“I look up to the guy, big deal,” he shrugged. I smirked and looked out the window.


We sat outside cuing up for him to audition. It was so crazy how many people were there. I looked around and everybody was being really nice. Some guys brought guitars with them and sang songs to keep us all occupied. Other people were just giving words of encouragement to complete strangers.

When the lady handed Niall his number, I noticed his hands shaking nervously as he took it. Although I knew he was trying to be confident, there are definitely nerves that I am hoping won’t get the best of him.

“Can we use you for an interview?”  a tall guy with a camera asked Niall tapping him on the shoulder. Niall looked over at me for help I nudged him to go and talk to them. I followed along as the man took him over to a chair by the window.

“So when I tell you to start, just tell us your name, where you are from, musical inspirations, stuff like that. Got it kid?” the man explained. Niall nodded and the man held up his camera. I stood behind watching.  “Alright, start.” He said.

Niall took a deep breath before he began. His face turned red and he looked scared, I tried making funny faces to help him along.

“I’m Niall Horan, I’m sixteen and I am from Mullingar in the midlands of Ireland,” he began. He stuttered over a few things in the beginning, but soon after became more comfortable in front of the camera. “I wanna be like big names in the world like Beyoncé. Justin Bieber is a perfect example. I’ve been- I’ve been compared to him a few times, it’s not a bad comparison” he said. I couldn’t help but giggle at his Justin Bieber reference.

“I wanna sell out area’s and make an album and work with some of the best artists in the world.”

I smiled at him and his goals in life. They were big, but they were reachable with a voice like his.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2013 ⏰

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