Chapter 13- Everything changes.

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(((Chloe’s POV)))

“Chloe?” a soft feminine voice spoke.  It scared me at first since I couldn’t remember where I was.  Then all the memories from the day before flooded through my mind.  I rolled over and covered my face with the pillow under my head.  The girl laughed.  “Come on, you have to get up!”  I opened my eyes ever so slightly and recognized the girl to be Mickey.  I smiled when I saw her.

“Hey,” I said.  My voice was still groggy from sleep.

“Hi, you have to get up.  You went to sleep yesterday at like five o’clock!  Harry didn’t know where you went when you didn’t show up for the campfire.”  She started to tell me.  Her voice grew quiet when she continued.  “He thought you were with Niall.”

I shot up out of bed.

“I was obviously not with Niall!”  I yelled pointing at my bed.

“Yeah I know.  I told him you were here and he calmed down.  Thank God,” she muttered.  I giggled. Harry always overreacted.  It was kind of cute that he was jealous, but at the same time made me want to pull my hair out.

“He’s jealous of Niall.  I don’t really know why.  I’m dating him, so he should know that I don’t like Niall. It’s kind of irritating,” I said spilling my feelings to Mickey.  Her facial expression softened when I told her this.

“Harry is just afraid of losing you,” Mickey smiled.

“Why should he be afraid?”

“I think it’s just a guy thing.  I’m not really sure, but I know that he loves you.  I see it when he looks at you.”

“This sounds like something from a cheesy chick flick!” I laughed.  Mickey joined in.

“No, but seriously, he really cares about you Chloe.”  Yeah. So does Niall.  I mentally slapped myself for thinking about such ridiculous things.

“I love him,” I said absentmindedly.  Mickey’s smile grew wider.

“I just love you two together!”  she squealed clapping her hands excitedly.  “It’s just too adorable for me to handle.  I can’t.”

I laughed and got out of my bed to get changed.

“So how is Joey?”  I asked wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.  She sighed and shrugged.

“I don’t think we will ever become anything serious.  He is sending me mixed signals, you know?  He will kiss me and cuddle me, but then acts like he wants absolutely nothing to do with me.  It so frustrating,” she threw her arms out for emphasis.  After her rant she fell back on my bed and crossed her arms.  “I just really like him and I don’t think he sees this as anything that will last.”  She paused for dramatic effect.  “I want it to last.”  

I smiled sympathetically at her, not knowing what I should say.  I was happy with my life.  Other than the drama with Niall, I was doing fine.  My relationship with Harry was great.  I had nothing to complain about.  I wondered if I should have Mickey go talk to Niall.  They were both having heartache.  I shook the thought and realized it was probably not the best idea.  I was giving myself too much credit.  Niall probably didn’t care that much.


“Harry!” I called out to the boy currently standing on the pier.  He turned at the sound of his voice and smiled when he saw me.  I waved and quickened my pace wanting so badly to be by his side.  He met me halfway lifting me up off the ground for a hug.

“Long time no see,” he laughed into my hair.  I played with the curls on his head and he grinned at my actions.

“Hey,” I spoke softly kissing his cheek.  He set me back down and took my hands.  Harry stepped a bit closer so he was now looming over me.  He had to be at least a head taller.

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