Chapter Twelve

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Elena's Pov:
Suddenly woke up, with my neck hurting and the moon out. I remembered Klaus showing up and breaking my neck. I gasped realizing what he did to me. He turned me and now I am in transition. My neck stopped hurting but I could feel the stinging pain in my throat telling me to eat. I guickly ran over to the boarding house where Damon was still down stairs drinking his bourbon. He looked at me confused when I came into the living room.
"Damon!" I immeditly stop seeing him sitting on the couch.
"What's wrong?" He asked startled.
"It's Klaus. He... He changed me." I broke down in tears terrified. Damon looked at me in shock with his eyes wide.
"No. That can't be. I'll get Stefan." He suddenly disappered and reappeared with Stefan and Madison. They looked at me and Damon worried.
"I'm in transition." Stefan looked at me and Damon with wide eyes and Madison looked confused.
"Wait. How?" Madison asked slowly.
"Klaus." Madison and Stefan gasped in shock. Damon vamp sped infront of me with his one hand on my right shoulder.
"I will help you. Don't worry. You will get through this." I nodded believing him. I trusted him, how could I not. Damon took out his phone and called Bonnie.
"Come over to the boarding house now." Was all he said and he hung up. I sat on the couch as I cried in Madison's arms. Stefan and Damon stood by the couch waiting. Twenty minutes has gone by and Damon calmed me down. Bonnie entered the house and then stopped dead in her tracks.
"No." She whispered. By the look on her face she knew what I would have to become.

Bonnie's Pov:
I stood there realizing what my best friend has become. I slowly walked over sitting on the couch infront of Madison and Elena. Damon and Stefan stood behind them.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Klaus came up to me. He .... He gave me his blood and snapped my neck." Elena studdered trying not to cry. A tear fell down my cheek.
"Why would he do that?" I asked getting angry. I bawled my fists and walked out of the boarding house. I left and went home. I stayed up all night looking for a spell to reverse what she has to now become.

Madison's Pov:
"We should find a cure." I suddenly burst out of my mouth. Elena looked at me in surprise. Damon scoffed and Stefan shook his head.
"Theres no cure. We tried looking when you changed." Damon said. He sat down on the couch with a cup of bourbon in his hand.
"I ... I can't think about this tonight. Let's get some sleep." Said Elena asked she stormed to Damon's as he followed behind her. Stefan looked at me and I shrugged. He held out his hand and I grabbed it. We got into Stefan's room and laid on the bed.
"What are we gonna do?" I asked in a whispher. Stefan shrugged not knowing himself.
"I'm going to take a shower." I sighed heading to Stefan's bathroom. He followed after me. I got undressed and hopped in and he did the same. As the hot water hit my back and down my front a sigh realesed from my mouth then I felt Stefans hands on me. I looked up at him and smiled. I really was falling for him. I might have loved Damon but I never felt this way with Damon as I do with Stefan. I know Elena feels this way with Damon. I can see it when they touch each other. They have a love that consumes them and they feel alive. Elena is better with Damon. After we got out of the shower Stefan gave me a hungery kiss and let me slip into my tank top and shorts. He slipped into his boxers and we headed to our warm bed. Is it safe to say that I wont change my mind about who I chose and who I should be with? I love Damon but I am in love with Stefan and I know he wont hurt me. I lay on the bed as Stefan curls up next to me.  I lay beside him and smile.
"Why the smile, just wondering?" He whispered.
"Because, I know who I am in love with and who I should be with. As the same with Elena." He looked at me with confusion. I half smiled again.
"I am in love with you and should be with you. Your not a replacment. I actually did fall for you, Stefan. Elena and Damon have a love that consumes them and they feel alive with each other. Elena sees the good in him and brings it out. I see happiness in you and you bring it out. I love you, Stefan. It will always be you. And Elena will say the same thing to Damon. Even as we speak." He listened and heard Elena saying the same thing. He nodded agreeing with everything I just said.
"I am in love with you too. It took your emotions off to see it. I get it now. I feel spark with you I never felt with Elena. I always have butterflies when I see you. My whole body, every inch just wants to feel and be around you. Yes, I tried to hide my feelings for you because I didnt want to hurt Elena but now I see I didnt. She will be happy with Damon and I will always be happy with you." He whispered. And with that his lips crashed on mine. That night I never wanted our love making to stop but when it did my whole body was on vibrate and was glowing.
The next morning as I rolled over Stefan was still right next to me. I looked at him as he was sleeping. "Your staring is creepy." He said opening his eyes looking at me.
"Its gazing. Also romantic." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"What's creepy is knowing your eyes were closed and knew I was gazing." We both laughed and cuddled up a bit until we heard Elena and Damon downstairs. We both got up and he slipped on a pair of jeans with a t-shirt. I stayed in my tank top and shorts. We both walked down stairs hand in hand on a monday morning. We went into the kitchen seeing Elena with a cup of B-positive blood in her hand and Damon with boutbon of course. I smiled and shaking my head.
"Ready to go to school?" Elena asked.
"You're not going to school until your controlled." Damon said looking at Elena.
"I agree. Stefan and I will only be going to school. Besides you dont have a daylight ring yet." Damon and Stefan nodded. Elena groaned and sat down at the table. Stefan and I walked back up to his room. I pulled out dark skinny jeans and a blue top that fit to my torso nicely, as I let my hair stay down. Stefan stood watching with excitment as I changed. I shook my head laughing. I grabbed my bag and my phone and headed downstairs and out the door to the car holding Stefan's hand. We were so perfect. Stefan opened the passenger side and gave me a passionate hungry kiss and let me get in. As I shut the door Stefan already was in the car starting it then we were off to school.
As Stefan and I walked hand in hand toward my locker Caroline came over in excitment until she saw Stefan kiss me.
"What happened between Elena and you, and Damon and you?" We forgot to fill Caroline, Matt and Tyler in.
"Elena got turned into a vampire last night by Klaus. She still chose  Damon and I chose Stefan because I actually am in love with him. Same with Elena and Damon. Dont make a fuss." She nodded and her smile was back on.
"Tonight is another party at the lockwoods. Wanna come, Maddie?" She asked knowing I hate dances.
"I'll be your date." Stefan says happily as we walk into History class were Alaric stood at the chalk board waiting for class to start. We took our seats and let school take its course.
Stefan and I walked hand in hand as Caroline and Bonnie followed into the Boarding house. As we all sat down we were trying to figure a way to lure Klaus out of town. I came up with a plan but I know Caroline wouldnt like it. She had the white oak stake hidden in her house that Klaus doesnt know about.
"How about the white oak stake thats in your house. We make a deal with him and he leaves." Stefan kissed my forehead for my great plan. Caroline nodded.
"Who would make a deal with him?" Damon asked.
"Me." Elena said. I shook my head.
"No. I'll do it." I say as Stefan shook his head.
"We will do it tonight at the dance." Bonnie said. I nodded my head.
"Great, me and Elena will stand there while Bonnie will stayed behind and make sure if he does try something she could use her powers." We all nodded and departed to get ready for the dance. Stefan took me upstairs with a cup of blood for me and gave me a long silver box with a black bow on it. I smiled and opened it. Inside was a black mask with feathers on the side. Underneath was a black dress that would go to my mid thigh and hugged my body which would make me look hot. I took off my shirt and slipped off my pants standing there while Stefan stood leaning on the bathroom door watching me. I had on my black lace bra and my black lace underwear matching it still left on. Stefan put down the cup and scopped me up and put me on the bed. He was on top kissing my neck. My fingers slipped through his hair as I moaned in his ear. He loved it and suddenly had a boner. He backed off me and let me get dressed. I slipped the dress on and he zipped it up for me. I turned around to look in the mirror and I have to admit I look hot. I curled my hair and let it fall down my shoulders. I put my makeup on and put on my mask. Stefan leaned in kissing me softly after putting his two fingers on my chin to lift it up. I kissed his lips still feeling the sparks. We pulled away breathless. I gave him one last kiss and headed downstairs with my cup of blood. I sat on the couch as Elena came down the stairs. She wore the same dress as me so we can confuse Klaus. She clurled her hair but it still wasnt as long as mine. Damon came down in his tux and sat next to me.
"I'm not Elena." Elena and I giggled and he went to sit next to Elena. Seeing them two didnt make me jealous it actually made me happy. Stefan finally came down in his tux. I vamp-sped infront of him and kissed him. Which took him by surprise but he still put his arms around me pulling me closer. We pulled away and Elena has this look of jealousy. Which was wierd. We all got in the car and headed to the gym at the school because tyler's mom changed it at the last minute.

Hoped you all like this chapter. Please comment and vote. Love you all and hope you have a good weekend. -Kairi

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