Chapter Sixteen

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Madison's Pov:
I sat on the couch in the boarding house waiting for my sister's return. Stefan sat next to me holding my hand. Damon suddenly comes into the house as Elena walks in unharmed and fully aware of her surroundings. Great how are we going to do this. I thought. I stood up still holding Stefans hand as I walked up to Elena giving her a hug. She only glared at me and Damon gave me a 'we need to talk please' look.
"So, what will we do today?" Damon asked looking at me and Stefan. Stefan shrugged and I carefully looked to where Elena was. She sat on the chair texting away. I looked at the Salvatores confused. Suddenly, teenagers piled into the house screaming and hollering. Elena stood up grabbing Damon's bourbon and passed it around to the teenagers. Great, she's throwing a party. I thought. I shake my head and grabbed Stefans arm. But Elena grabs him and starts dancing on him. I was starting to get angry as so was Stefan and Damon. I shook my head and left the boarding house irritated. I was extremely angry at Elena. The only way she would stop is if I left. So I stood there and turned off my humanity. I closed my eyes and switch everything off. I turned it off. I vamp sped to my room packing a bag full of clothes. No one noticed me as I left the boarding house. I vamp sped all the way toward the Mystic Falls sign and left town. I lay down on the ground after putting my bag near a tree and waitedh for a car to show. After ten minutes one did. The girl got out running to me panicking. I slowly opened my eyes and vamp sped toward her biting her neck. I killed her leaving her body there not caring. I then grabbed my bag and took the car leaving Mystic Falls.

Stefans Pov:
Elena sat on a chair tied up. We tried torturing her. After awhile I left the room to find Maddie while Damon continued to torture Elena to get her humanity back on. I found some of Madison's clothes gone and ran to Damon. I looked at Damon worriedly. He looked at me confused.
"Madison ran off. Her clothes arnt here either." Elena laughed knowing her plan worked.
"Awe, poor Madsion. Let's save Madison. Oh, no." Elena teased. Damon snapped her neck and pulled out his phone calling Matt. I left the boarding house a couple minutes later worried Madison wouldn't return and might have turned of her humanity.

Damon's Pov:
I sat on the couch waiting for Matt to show up as Elena sat in the chair tied up and unconscious. I was worried about Madison. I wanted to talk to her about hopefully getting back together. I wanted her to know I never lied and always loved her more than anything. She was the girl I always wanted to be with, for eternity. Matt finally showed after Elena woke up. Matt and I faked a fight about Elena and she sat there not caring until I snapped his neck. She gasped in horror and tried to run to him but was tied up. I untied her and she ran to Matt tears flowing from her eyes. She finally noticed the Gilbert ring on his right hand.
"First comes guilt then comes sadness then happiness. Your humanity is back on. Now time to retrieve your sister." Elena looked up at me with guilt in her eyes. Matt gasped suddenly jolting up looking around.
" He killed me. God, he killed me. Elena are you okay?" She hugged him and he hugged her back. Now, time to call Stefan to see where Madison would be. I pulled out my phone calling Stefan.
"Have you found her yet?" I asked through the phone hoping he did.
"No. But I did find a dead women near the border. I'm coming back. Is Elena back to herself?" He asked.
"Yes." I hung up the phone and Elena hugged me.
"Where's my sister?" She asked looking at me then suddenly she remembered what happened. Everything came back to her.

Stefans Pov:
I couldn't find Madison. Damon, Elena, and Bonnie searched the whole town with me. Bonnie even tried a located spell but she was some how blocked. I needed her and I was angry at Elena. I stayed in my room.
It's now been over a week and we traveled farther then Georgia. We still haven't found her. Damon and I secretly have been trying to track her but there hasn't been any leads.

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