Chapter Thirteen

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Stefan and I walked into the gym.  There was people dancing in around as the music pumped everyone up. We walked over to the drink bowl where Elena and Damom stood. Elena looked at Stefan.
"Care to dance?" She asked Stefan.
"No thank you." He looked at herin disapproval with Damon then Stefan looked at me and smiled.
"Would my beautiful girlfriend of mine love to dance with me?" I giggled and took his hand that he held out to me. Elena gave me the glare jealous look. I questioned her with a look and she rolled her eyes. As Stefan and I danced I looked worried.
"What's wrong?" Stefan asked worried.
"Why has Elena been going on you and Damon like crazy?" He nodded agreeing.
"I dont know. But I dont want to dance with her, or kiss her. I want to do those things with you. Only you. Just me and you, baby." I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder.
Klaus didnt show up so Stefan and I went back to the house. As we walked into the house Stefan pushed me up against the wall cracking it alittle. He looked at me with a devilish smile. He crashed his lips on me and I kissed back. He deepened it and I felt the bed underneath us. He kissed slowly down my neck to my collarbone then down to my chest. He ripped off my beautiful dress and grasped my breats and I moaned in pleasure. As he teased me I felt the electric shock with each touch and made me shiver and moan. I slipped my hands in his brown hair and pulled him close smashing my lips to his.  As he was on top I was moaning in pleasure and scratching his back. Each time it bleed, it healed. Each time I did it Stefan went faster. I pushed him over so I was now on top. He finally pushed me against the wall showing his fangs with his veins showing. He bit on my neck and I moaned. Everytime we have sex its always pleasurable. I pushed him against the wall and did the same. We finally pulled away breathless. I looked around and I gasped.
"Wow." I said as Stefan looked around the room. The pictures on the wall were broken and there was cracks from pushing each other to the wall. I giggled and Stefan embraced me. He shook his head and pointed to the shower. I nodded and we both headed in the bathroom. Our clothes were torn off so we just turned on the water and stepped in. Stefan embraced me again as the hot wster hit us. We both sigh and he smiled.
"You know, your amazing." Stefan says as he pushes my hair into the water. I smiled and kissed his cheek. As we finished in the shower we got out. He slipped on boxers and i put my undergarments on with my tank top and my shorts. I felt hungry so Stefan and I went downstairs to eat something. Elena and Damon came into the kitchen because they heard us in here when they walked into the door. Elena sat other side of Stefan as Damon stood infront of us on the other side the table.
"Damon, can I talk to you and Stefan for a minute alone?" Elena groaned and left the room.
"Do you know how she is trying to get with you and Stefan, both?" I asked Damon. He looked shocked.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Havent you noticed since since me and Maddie got together she glares at Madison and get jealous look acrossed her face." He gave us a look of understanding now.
"Take her to the cabin." I said to Damon. He nodded and left the room to go to Elena. I turned to Stefan as he caressed my body.
"Mhmm, what should we do today?" I asked him knowing the answer already. He leaned in kissing me. I smiled and suddenly Elena pushes us making me fly into the wall near the door and Stefan flying to.

Hoped you liked this chapter. Alot of sexual content with Madison and Stefan. But whats going to happen with Elena with the boys she both wants. And the clifhanger with Elena? Lol love you all- Kairi

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