Chapter One Pilot

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Dear Diary,

Today will be hell. But, I'm ready. I can deal. I have a plan. I will smile. It will be believable. Genuine. My smile will say, "I'm fine, thank you." "Yes, much better." "Time heals everything." They will see I'm alive and well. If I can convince them, then just maybe, just maybe I'll belive it myself.

I closed my journal and looked around the room. Even though my parents were gone I always thought of them. They drove the car off the bridge with me in the backseat. But apparently I survived. Elena Gilbert, my twin sister wasn't in the room so she must be waiting downstairs for me. I got up and walked to the bathroom and got into the shower. After I showered and rinsed, I put on dark skinny jeans and a red tank top with a leather jacket. I curled my hair which was a more fashioned thing to do unlike Elena who kept hers always straight. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. Elena was grabbing coffee and Jermey Gilbert, our brother, came decending down the stairs as well. Aunt Jenna, who took us in when our parents died, tried to much to be a parent figure.

"Toast. I can make toast." Aunt Jenna said. I smiled even though it was nice to have her try. As she looked at Elena she talked.

"It's all about the coffee, Jenna." Elena said as she was grabbing a cup. Jenna just nods at Elena and asks more questions.

"It's the first day of school and I'm unprepared." Jenna said as Jermey sits at the table. As Jenna rushes around handing Jermey money and asking Elena for pencils, Elena asks about her presentation.

"Shoot. I'm late." Jenna rushes to grab her things and heads out the door. As for Elena and I, we walked out the door to friend our best friend, Bonnie Bennet. She had brown hair and eyes and drove a black car. As Bonnie drives the car into a small town called Mystic Falls, she talks about her Grams. I tune her out and look out the window in the back seat. As Elena does the same.

"So Grams tells me how I'm psychic because we're deccendants of the Celtic Droids; I know, right? I wasn't buying it either until I remembered my uncanny accuracy. I predicted Obama, I predicted David Cook, Heather Ledger, Britney's comback, and I still think Flordia will break off and become little resort islands. I think there's something to it." Bonnie looked at Elena and then in her mirror at me.

"Did i tell you about the orgy? I had the football team over. Threw a blind fold on. I still dont know who to my virginity...ELENA! MADDIE! BACK IN THE CAR!" We both looked at her as we snapped out of our gaze and Elena said sorry to Bonnie.

"We are sorry, Bonnie. We did it again, didn't we? You were saying?" I said slowly as i tried to remember what she was saying.

"What? C'mon, think hard." Bonnie said as she was looking foward. Elena thought hard.

"Something about being psychic?" Elena said as she looked over a Bonnie. Bonnie toots the horn and we all laugh.

"Okay, then, predict, what's is store for me. Give it up." Elena says as she smiles. As Bonnie turns the corner she waves her hand in a wand like motion in a goof mode.

"I see puppies and flowers and Ryan Gosling...." Something black flew into the window making Bonnie's hands fly onto the steering wheel and having the car skid. The car stopped and Bonnie looked back at me.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" She asked knowing I was in a car accident. I nodded.

"I can't be afraid of cars for the rest of my life." I shook the image out of my head of being in the backseat with the water filling it. Everyone sighed.

"I predict this year will be kickass. I predict all the sad and bad times are over. And your both going to be happier. With sex to." Bonnie looked a me with the last sentence and smiled.


As I walked down the hallway of the high school behind Elena and Bonnie, I tried to find Tyler and Matt which were near my locker as always. Elena broke up with Matt after our parents died and I broke up with Tyler two months after I turned seventeen. As I walked up to Matt and Tyler, Tyler slowly walked away with only Matt standing there. Tyler had brown hair and brown eyes. Matt had blue eyes and blonde hair just like Caroline.

"Hey, Matt. How was your summer?" I haven't heard from Matt in awhile after Elena broke up with him. He nodded his head and smiled.

"It was okay. Thanks, for caring Maddie. I got to get to practice." As he walked away I saw a tall handsome man with light brown hair and a leather jacket walk into the office. Bonnie and Elena stood next to me in the hallway looking at his back as he talked to the women.

"He has a hot back. I sensing settle. He plays the guitar." Us girls giggled and Caroline and Elena left for class and Bonnie and I stayed. The guy walked out of the office and into the hallway. Bonnie sighed and walked the oposite way. I walked up to the guy and stopped him.

"Hey, you must be new. I'm Maddie. And you are?" I looked up at him and he smiled. He had glasses on so I couldn't see the color of his eyes.

"Stefan Salvatore. Nice to meet you." He looked over at me as he took the glasses off. He had green eyes that caught me off guard. I smiled back and felt my cheeks turn red.


After school was over, I walked down into the woods where a stone stood a mile in which is where I went. I sat down and took out my journal that I took from out of my locker. As I sat there, fog started appearing around me and the sun set down turning into night. I didn't know it was late until a dark figure stood before me. I backed away and closed my journal. The tall dark figure came foward into the light and I smiled not knowing who he was. He had dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes.

"Victoria?" The man asked not knowing the women he was looking at was a twin of Elena Gilbert.

"Um, no. I'm Maddison Gilbert. Who are you?" I stood up feeling unafraid and attracted to him. The man grinned.

"I'm Damon Salvatore." He came closer looking at me up and down.

"Your Stefan's brother?" I asked even if I already knew the answer.

"Yes. I'm the more charming one." As he stood there and came closer his eyes changed red with veins popping out from underneath his eyes. For some reason, I wasn't frightened. I came closer to him and slowly reached up to touch his veins that were popping out. I smiled.

"Your a vampire?" I asked as I put my hand down and looked down at his bloody hands. He made an evil grin and backed away from me.

"Yes, but I wont hurt you, Angel." And with that he disappeared. I grabbed my journal and ran home. I found Elena and Jenna talking so I just went into my room. I laid on my bed, after putting my journal in my secret place underneath the floor boards, I slowly fell asleep.

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