Mini short stories

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Story 1: TypO

"Alex, did you know that type O blood was originally called type zero blood." Reggie says walking up next to Alex.

"Why would I know that?" Alex asks. "Better question, why do you know that."

"Because I'm a certified genius, obviously." Reggie says. "It was called type zero because there are zero AB antigens things on the surface of the red thingys."

"You mean the red blood cells?" Alex asks.

"That's what I said. Anyways it changed to Type O because someone miss read it." Reggie explains. "And now we all call it type O blood."

"Okay and?"

"And so I guess you could call it a typo." Reggie says.

Alex let's out a chuckle but immediately stops. "That wasn't funny." He says. "That wasn't funny at all."

"But you laughed." Reggie smiles.

"Because you're an idiot."

"You're mean." Reggie frowns.

"I'll buy you pizza?" Alex offers.

"Still mean." Reggie says.

"Okay fine, I'm sorry, you're not an idiot." Alex apologizes. "Are you done being mad at me?"

"Only if we can still get pizza." Reggie says.

Story 2: bonding
This story features an original character named Rue, I'm sure most of you know her but if you don't she's a friend of Reggie's, Luke doesn't like Rue. It makes more sense if you've read my Jatp season 2 and 3 but if you haven't it's fine.

"Hey Luke, remember when you said you'd try and get along with Rue?" Reggie asks walking into the studio.

"Yeah, why?" Luke asks suspiciously. "Don't tell me you're getting married! I'm not coming to the wedding. I'm telling you that girl is evil! You should not marry her and you're only 17! You're too young! She's taking advantage of you like I knew she would! Reggie blink twice if you're in danger because of her and you can't say, it's okay-"

"Luke! Stop no one is getting married." Reggie says. "And she's not evil. Okay she's really nice, so stop taking every chance you get to say she's bad news. Are you forgetting she literally sacrificed her afterlife for us? She saved us and you still have the audacity to call her evil. You know when I met her, she was the only person who seemed to understand and she seemed to be the only person who was just always there. You and Alex were busy, and as happy as I was for you two it got lonely and she made it less lonely. So please stop saying she's evil, she's far from it."

"You blinked like five times, so was that a yes to my question or-"

"Forget it." Reggie sighs poofing out.

Luke sighs realizing he was acting crazy again. He poofs to the beach and finds Rue right away, walking along the shore.

"Rue, hey." He says walking up to her.

"Luke, what are you doing here?" She asks confused to see him.

"Just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out."

"Why? Don't you like hate my guts?"

"Whhaaattt no. No, of course no." Luke says. Rue looks at him doubtfully "Okay maaaybe I do just a little bit."

"So why would you want to hang out with me?"

"For Reggie. It's important to him that we at least can get along."

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