Incorrect Quotes ft Rue

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Hi! If you don't know I wrote a season 2 and started a season 3 of Julie and the Phantoms and Rue is my original character. I think most of you know her, she's a ghost who met Reggie, they're best friends Luke typically doesn't like her. Anyways it's now canon that Rue is aromatic because I said so. Now, what's that mean for her and Reggie's relationship? I never really planed for them to be in a romantic relationship anyways so think of them in sort of like a qpr that like blurs the line between romance and platonic love. I don't know but all you need to know now is Rue is aromantic and more on the romance disfavored side. Romance favorable aros exist though trust me and maybe sometimes Rue will be romance favored who knows anyways on with the incorrect quotes

Rue: you know sometimes I'll be watching a show and they'll make two people start dating that have no romantic vibes what so ever like they literally make fun of each other like Alex does to Reggie and then all of the sudden BOOM they're in love? Screw allonormativity.
Julie: they add romance to make interesting
Rue: I was very much interested before. Now I'm less interested. I mean it's all the same thing. Boy and girl fall in love and then suddenly everything revolves around their relationship. I just don't get it


Rue: why are there so many babybel cheese wrappers?
Reggie: I can't stop eating them! They're so good it's like magic
Luke: can I have one?
Reggie: no get your own
Rue: can I have one?
Reggie: of course!
Luke: so traitor girl gets to have some but me, your best and favorite friend can't?
Reggie: you made fun of my country songs

At a restaurant in Paris

Reggie: what are sweet breads? That sounds good
Alex: omygosh Reggie, you would love that. You should get it!
Rue: oh come on don't do that to him
Julie: seriously Alex
Luke: what? Sweet breads sound good. I'm with Reggie
Rue: well I'm not gonna stop you from getting sweet breads but Reggie, trust me you want something else.
Rue: whispers to Reggie so Luke doesn't hear sweet breads are organ meat
Reggie: then why are they called sweet breads. Are they trying to deceive me on purpose?


Luke: (about Rue) I can't stand her
Alex: what did she do?
Luke: exist, look at Reggie, everything


Luke: Alex are you coming to mine and Reggie's party?
Alex: yea I'm gonna have to pass on that
Reggie: BUT I MADE BROWNIES! you have to come 🥺
Rue: I'll come!
Luke: get out. No one invited you!
Reggie: I invited her! Rue didn't you get my brain single?
Luke: you guys don't have telepathy
Rue: oh is that what that was? Of course I got it!
Reggie: see Luke. Telepathy


Rue: do you ever meet someone that just rubs you the wrong way
Luke: I'm looking at her


Alex: you know maybe Luke was right about you maybe you are evil.
Rue: oh my gosh! Me and Reggie were five minutes late coming home. It's not a big deal
Luke: you can murder someone in five minutes
Rue: Reggie is already dead and how would you know that
Luke: ...uh, just a guess? It's not like I've planned your murder before or anything...that would be crazy

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