The Hologram

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A/N Caleb is not possessing Nick

Nick's POV

I still can't believe Julie played the Orpheum last week, that's crazy! Her song Stand Tall is so amazing, one of my personal favorites. I always knew all she had to to was be more confident in herself and believe in herself and she would go far.

I wish I realized my feelings for her a lot sooner, because now she has eyes for someone else. But, it doesn't matter because she's a good friend and maybe trying to date would ruin our already good friendship. 

Besides, I think I need a break from relationships. They're always just so complicated and honestly too much. I just broke up with Carrie, I should just hold off on dating for a while.

I'm walking on the beach when I bump into somebody.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you there." I say but then I realize the boy I bumped into looks super familiar. I think he's in Julie's band. He has dark hair and his wearing a leather jacket. I think he's the bassist.

"I thought you didn't see me either..." he says, awkwardly looking around as if to see if there was someone else I'd be talking to. "You can see me? I mean of close you can! It's not like I'm a ghost or anything, that would be weird. Ha, no I just meant like, I'm practically invisible, not really invisible because like I'm not magical or anything and definitely not a ghost. Just a normal person. Well...I don't know about normal, but like -"

The boy probably will keep going on and on rambling if I don't cut him off now. "It's okay, um aren't you in that band, Julie and the Phantoms?"

"Yes I am, tell your friends." He smiles. "We're kinda legends now, played the Orpheum and didn't have to cross over." He says. I look at him confused as to what he meant by cross over and his eyes go wide. "Uh...I mean, nothing I didn't say anything, forget that last part."

"Anyways, good job by the way, I was there. I was there for my friend Julie." I say. "What are you doing here though? Julie says you guys are from Sweden?"

"Oh- um, we're visiting." I say. "To celebrate our big performance at the Orpheum."

"Oh cool."

"I'm sorry who exactly are you?"

"Oh, I'm Nick. I'm Julie's dance partner."

"Oohhh you're that Nick." The boy says.

"Does...does Julie talk about me?" I ask.

"Kinda, it doesn't matter, I'm Reggie by the way." He smiles.

"Where are your other band mates, shouldn't you be celebrating with them?" I ask. He came all the way from Sweden, I don't know why they wouldn't be together.

"Oh...well we already celebrated and now I'm just walking along the beach because I love it here. Besides, everyone's kinda busy." Reggie says. "My friend Luke is with Julie, they're kinda a thing now I guess and spend a lot of time together, and ever since we didn't cross- I mean ever since we played the Orpheum, my friend Alex hasn't been able to find his other friend he kinda has feelings for. So he's looking for him, and so that leaves me."

I feel kinda bad, I mean all his friends are busy and it kinda sucks to be lonely.

"Can I hang with you then?"

"Oh...sure." He says.

"So you're the bassist?" I ask as we continue walking.

"Yep. I play the coolest instrument out out all of them. I can also shred in the banjo, not to brag or anything."

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