Incorrect Quotes

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Teacher: *yelling at a random student in the hall you can't just walk out of class!
Student: yes I can I can do whatever I want! You were being rude!
Teacher: *closes the door to yell at them in the hall in peace
Luke: noooo leave the door open! I wanna hear this
Luke: open the door please!


Luke: relax Alex, I can help you. First, take out five dollars.
Alex: *taking out five dollars how's this gonna help me?
Luke: it's not I just needed five dollars thanks *takes money


Reggie: Alex! Guess what!!
Alex: I don't know just tell me
Reggie: guess, it'll be more fun.
Alex: alright fine, ummm you finally grew a brain?
Reggie: that's mean :(
Reggie: I guess I'll just take my good news to Luke instead
Alex: no I'm sorry :( please tell me
Reggie: okay okay, IM GETTING A PUPPY! his name is Waffles and he's my new best friend!
Alex: what about me!?
Reggie: Waffles isn't mean to me


Luke: I think I made a mistake
Alex: what kind of mistake?
Luke: I think I accidentally left Reggie on Mars
Alex: how'd you get to mars?
Julie: forget that, why'd you leave him on Mars!? Go back and get him you stupid egg!


Reggie: if I were a fruit what one would I be?
Luke: I don't know apple maybe?
Alex: a bisexual
Julie: not that kind of fruit. But yea.


Reggie: do you ever wonder -
Alex: I think you wonder to much. You're always telling me these weird facts I don't wanna know. Can't you learn something useful?
Reggie: Disney's pirates of the Caribbean ride uses real skeletons
Alex: stop
Reggie: humans are physically unable digest human flesh but if you consume enough of it your body will adapt and you will slowly start to digest yourself from the inside out.
Alex: never speak to me again

(A/N I highly doubt the last one is true I saw it on tik tok 😭 and for the Disney one I think they've since been replaced with fake ones.)

Luke: Reggie why are you selling your heart on the dark web?
Reggie: because you said I have a heart of gold and I figured I might as well get my money's worth
Alex: that's not what he meant
Julie: why were either of you on the dark web?


Julie: you guys are so annoying!
Luke: no we're not!
Alex: you'll get use to it
Reggie: 🥺
Julie: except you Reggie, you're not annoying.
Reggie: ☺️
Luke and Alex: hey!


Alex:alright all I have to say is I think he's cute
Luke: compliment his facial features
Reggie: you got this dude! I believe in you!
Willie: *walks up hey guys
Alex: you have a face!
Willie: you're my boyfriend now


Reggie: isn't cool how we're best friends
Ray: stares at computer
Reggie: Alex, isn't it cool me and Ray are best friends?
Alex: I mean sure. He's definitely your best friend.
Luke: I thought I was your best friend
Reggie: you and Alex don't count, you're my brothers and Ray is my best friend


Flynn: I hate math. I hate english. I hate school. I hate love. I hate everything.
Julie: are you okay?
Flynn: I'm fine I'm just in a very hateful mood for some reason
Carrie: hey girls
Flynn: I hate you most of all


Reggie: if I was dying and needed your kidney because mine weren't working would you give it to me?
Alex: hell no
Reggie: I'd give you my kidney 🥺
Alex: your kidney that doesn't work?
Reggie: if you needed it I would 🥺
Alex: I wanna call you stupid but honestly thats really sweet and I can't do it.


Julie: guys, stop being mean to each other!
Alex and Reggie: *laughs
Alex: Reggie couldn't be mean to anyone to save his life
Reggie: and Alex is just mean, it's his love language and since he's the meanest to me it means he loves me the most.

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