The other side of the fence (relex)

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Third person

It was a still and quiet night. They stood at opposites ends of the fence, staring at each other like they were strangers. Alex didn't recognize him. His eyes didn't shin like the stars, his smile was replaced with a blank stare, and blood dripped from his bleeding for head.

"Why didn't you tell me it was this bad?" Alex voice shakes.

"It's not as bad as you think." Reggie says.

"Really? Not as bad as I think? You have blood dripping down your face, I don't think I'm being over dramatic here."

"I didn't say that." Reggie says.

"Can you climb the fence?" Alex asks. He didn't want him over there a second longer knowing what goes on behind the closed door of his house that the fence wraps around.

"I- I don't think so." Reggie shakes his head. The bleeding forehead wasn't his only injury. He guessed he probably had a couple broken ribs, and there was glass from a smashed bear bottle jammed in his thigh, ripping into his skin and muscle tissue. The more time that passed, he began to feel dizzy, probably from his head wound. "I'm sorry."

"No, no don't be sorry." Alex says. "I'll climb the fence and try and help you over it, or we can tear a whole in it" he approaches the fence.

"Stop!" Reggie says. "Don't touch it." He says. Even if he wasn't injured he still wouldn't be able to climb the fence. It's was an electrical fence. The barb wire would cut you up and if it was on, which it always was, you'd get electrocuted. "It's electrical."

"So you're trapped?" Alex says starting to panic. The only thing he wanted right now was to get Reggie out of there. For him to be on the other side of the fence with him, where he was safe and his dad could never hurt him. Alex didn't even feel like it was appropriate to call that man his dad.

"Maybe." Reggie says. " in case I don't see you for a while..."

"Stop, don't say that." Alex says.

"I want you to know I love you." Reggie says.

"I'm gonna get you out of there. I'll make sure he never hurts you again." Alex says, tearing up. The thought of losing his best friend since they were four was worse than a nightmare.

"Don't worry about it. You know I'll be okay."

"How long as this been going on?" Alex asks, afraid to know the answer.

"A while." Reggie says.

"Wait right there." Alex says. "I promise I'm gonna get you out." He says and runs to the barn he saw nearby. There might be a tool he could use in there to cut the fence.

His heart was pounding. What if Reggie's dad comes out while he's gone? Or Reggie goes back in? Or he collapses to the ground and dies? What if leaving was the wrong choice, even if he's gonna be right back.

Alex break down the door to the barn easily since the wood was old and falling apart already. He found a crowbar, and grabbed it thinking it would do the trick.

He runs back to the fence, thankful to see Reggie still standing there and his dad still nowhere in sight.


"I'm gonna get you out of there." Alex says, hands shaking as he held the crowbar. "It's gonna be okay."

"Alex... I- I..." he wobbled, his consciousness fading in and out. "I don't think so. But I love you."

Reggie collapses on the ground, his head injury only getting worse.


Alex swings the crowbar and rips apart the fence, making a hole at the bottom. Tears blurred his vision  as he reached through not caring if his arms and hands got cut by the wire. He grabs Reggie's arms and pulls him though the hole, trying to avoid him getting cut. 

Now they were both on the other side on the fence. The safe side.

"Reg wake up." Alex shakes him. "Please. Please wake up. I need you to wake up." He cries. "Reggie! Reggie please."

Reggie's eyes flutter a little, like he's trying to open them but can't. He mumbles something inaudible.

"It's gonna be okay." Alex says. "You're gonna be okay."

Alex help Reggie stand, letting him lean on him as much as he needs for support. He takes him to the studio since it was close by and lays him on the couch and calls an ambulance to get him to the hospital.

The next day, Alex sat in the hospital chair waiting for Reggie to wake up. He can't believe he almost died back there at the fence. What scared Alex even more was he didn't even say I love you back to him. He was so focused on saving him, he didn't tell him he loved him.

What if he had died? He's never get the chance to tell him he loves him again. He didn't want Reggie to die thinking he didn't love him to pieces.

Reggie's eyes flutter open and look right over to Alex.

"I love you." Alex says to him. He's been waiting for it since he got out of surgery. "And I'm really glad you're okay."

"Thank you for saving me."

"I'd do it a million times if I had too. I mean, I obviously don't want you in that situation a million times, or ever again, but what I'm trying to say is-"

"It's okay. I get it." He says. "Hey Alex?"


"Can you...not tell the other guys about what happened?" Reggie asks. "I just don't really want any else knowing." He felt almost ashamed about what happened to him, even though it's not like it's his fault and his friends will only support him. He just thought telling them would change things, and he didn't want them to see him differently.

"I mean...I guess but I think you should tell them. I mean, you don't have to tell them everything in detail, but they're here for you as much as me and would help."

"I don't need anymore help, I'm fine." Reggie says. "After I get released from the hospital I'll go home and everything will go back to normal and you can go back to your normal life like nothing even happened."

"Are you being serious right now?" Alex says. "You are not going back to that house! And I can't just forget about it, you got seriously hurt and I'm not gonna let that happen again. You can stay with me."

"I don't wanna bother-"

"Don't finish that sentence." Alex says. "I would more than love to have you stay at my house. In fact the only way your going back to your house is over my dead body."

"That can't be a permanent solution though. I can't just stay at your house forever." Reggie says.

"Well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

"But you always like to have a plan way in advance." Reggie says.

"Yeah, well I care more about you than some stupid plan. We'll figure it out." Alex says. "It'll be like one giant sleep over. We can even eat pizza and watch Star Wars."

"And eat ice cream?" Reggie asks hopefully, a small sparkle of a little kid back in his eyes.

"Sure." Alex smiles. "I'll even make sure we have sprinkles and all the fun toppings."

"You're the best." Reggie smiles.

"Alright, well you should get some rest. It was a long surgery."

"I just woke up." Reggie yawns. He woke up from his surgery but it feels like no time has passed since he collapsed on the ground by the fence.

He was exhausted, it felt like a weight of dropped on him and his eyes were heavy.

"Yeah and you look like you're about to fall asleep. Don't worry I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here."

"Goodnight." Reggie says, closing his eyes to go back to sleep.

"Goodnight Reg, I love you."

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