Poor Pluto

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"Hey Reg." Alex says walking into the studio. He then notices him laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling with a somber look on his face and his eyes watery. "Are you okay?" He asks in confusion and concern.

"Just thinking about Pluto." He sniffles. "It's not fair you know? He was once a planet, and then one day the meanie scientists at NASA kicked him out. It's not fair."

Reggie and Alex have had multiple conversations about Pluto, Reggie being team Pluto and Alex arguing that Pluto doesn't even have feelings. But Alex has never seen Reggie get this upset and down about it. He's never seen him cry about Pluto, only relentlessly defend the planet.

"Reg...Pluto doesn't care about that. I keep telling you it's just a planet, with no feelings." He sits next to Reggie as he continues to lay there.

"He does too have feelings, and he's probably really sad he's not a planet anymore." Reggie says. "And I want to give him a hug but he's so far away." He cries.

Alex sighs, realizing the only way to help him feel better is to go along with the fact Pluto has feelings. "You know I talked to Pluto and he told me he appreciates how much you love and support him, and you make Pluto the happiest planet ever."

"I do? He told you that?" Reggie says hopefully.

"He did. He also told me he doesn't want to be in the same category as Earth and Venus and all the others anyway. He's happy being with all the other dwarf planets."

"There's more dwarf planets? So, he's not alone?"

"Yea, of course there's other dwarf planets. Pluto is very thankful to be friends with them."

"Your lying, you don't even like Pluto why would you talk to him?" Reggie's tone shifts. "You don't even think Pluto has feelings."

"Pluto talked to me, he reached out and said those things. I guess I've just been in denial about it because I don't like being wrong." Alex says. "Here,  sit up." Alex says.

Reggie sits up and Alex pulls him into a hug. "Pluto is just fine, I promise. And it's all because of you and the relentless support you give him."

"You really think he's okay?"

"Definitely." Alex says.

"I still wish I could give him a hug." Reggie says.

"Maybe one day you'll become an astronaut and get to do that." Alex says, not sure what else to say. "Wanna go get pizza?" If there's one thing that can cheer Reggie up without fail, it's pizza.

"Yes, I love pizza!" Reggie shots up.

Alex laughs and gets up and the two head out of the studio to enjoy some pizza, because pizza makes everything better.

Hi, sorry this one's so short but I hope you still enjoyed. I love making these Pluto ones, they're so fun. You can't tell me Reggie isn't team Pluto because he definitely is. Anyways thanks so much for reading I hope you enjoyed. Have a lovely day/night and don't forget to take care of yourselves and always stand tall 💜👻

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