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Third person

"Alex!!! Come in the studio quick it's an emergency!!!!" Reggie screams.

Alex quickly poof into the studio panicking. "What's wrong? What happened? Is something on fire? Is somebody dying? Is there blood? What's going on?"


"Seriously?" Alex sighs. "That's the emergency? Dude what the heck you scared me."

"This is an emergency though!" Reggie says with a frown.

"I thought you hated every planet besides Pluto?" Alex says.

"Ha! So you admit Pluto is a planet!"

"What? No, that wasn't, it was just was just easier to say - okay." Alex says.

"Anyways, back to Neptune." Reggie says. "She's floating away! And I care because Neptune is actually nice to Pluto unlike the other planets. They're friends. And she's drifting away against her will. She must be so scared. And Pluto just be so sad!"

"Yeah it's so sad that planets which don't have feelings are gonna be separated. I'm depressed just thinking about it." Alex says sarcastically.

"Me too!" Reggie cries.

"Okay you know they say Neptune is literally eating it's moons. What do you have to say about that?"

"That this just proves she's alive. If she wasn't she wouldn't have a mouth or stomach to be eating the moons. And the moons aren't alive, that would be stupid."

"You're stupid."

"Yeah well at least I'm not a Pluto hating, Neptune shaming, Reggie hating, big mean bully like you are."

"Okay slow down, if you're gonna insult me do it right. I'm not Pluto hating, I just don't think it's a major planet or alive, I didn't shame Neptune I just stated she- urg I mean IT eats its moons. And I'm not Reggie hating I just love to tease you. I'm Reggie teasing."

"Okay fine whatever you're still a bully."

"Would I be a bully if I get you pizza?"

"No. Are you offering?"

"I guess I am. Come on, let's go."


So I saw on TikTok that apparently Neptune is driving away and eating it's moons but you know that may not even be true. But it's so fun to make these Pluto one shots with Reggie and Alex and thought this would fit in perfectly. The lore is expanding lol.
Anyway thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed! On my book Short Stories I wrote a story inspired by Jeremy's new song of you would like to check it out!
Thanks again, and I hope you all have a wonderful day or night! Remember to take care of yourselves and always stand tall 💜👻 <3

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