Deep personsal confession

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Very long rant/discussion/brain dump about Jatp and how I've been feeling about it. Also it might be all over the place I'm sorry.

Julie and the Phantoms will away be that show that just...came into my life when I needed it and it was there and it was everything. It will always be special for that. I will never be able to forget how Jatp made me feel or how much I loved it and I'll never be able to show this show enough appreciation.

I first watched the show in early 2021. My mom had passed away early October of 2020, and I didn't even know this show existed. But then one day my best friend told me to watch Julie and the Phantoms on Netflix. No context, not saying what it was about or anything. That night, I was gonna go to sleep when I remembered I told her I'd check out that show.

I told myself I'd only watch the first episode and then go to sleep because it was getting late, I had school the next morning, and I was pretty tired and my homework drained me out. Episode one ended with wake up and I remember thinking just "wow what a beautiful song this might already be my favorite song ever it's such an inspirational feel good song" (I was wrong, wake up is not my favorite song. I can't have just one favorite it switches up all the time lol) and I immediately clicked on the next episode. That ended with the school being able to see the guys and I'm like "okay one more episode" and then she told Flynn and I'm like "one more"

Before I know it, I'm leaving me room to go cry in my bathroom, try to calm down, after unsaid Emily and I didn't realize how much it would effect me since I'd lost my mom. Now I can't even listen to unsaid Emily anymore because of its general sadness, and it makes me miss the show even more. (I can't listen to pretty much any of the songs anymore but like when unsaid Emily comes up on my TikToks fyp it's immediate mute and scroll) and it also makes me realize all the untold stories we'll never get to hear. What happened to Julie's mom? What was Alex and Reggie's backstories? Willie and Nick back stories. Carrie backstory. Carrie and Julie backstory.

Backstory is one of the big things for me that I just simply love. Especially really deep backstories. It's a a thing for me like how romance is a big thing for most people, for me it's backstory (and found family trope). Not getting backstories for all the things we haven't yet is really heart breaking and it makes me feel some sort of anger when I listen to unsaid Emily because it's this deep backstory we won't get for anyone else now. And then I feel guilty for being angry. It's not like I'm angry at the song or backstory itself, I'm mad at Netflix, but I guess I just can't listen to the song anymore without it confusing and jumbling my emotions up.

Also with unsaid Emily, I didn't realize how much it would relate to my grandma. I watched the first 3 episodes with my grandparents, I was excited to show them and told them they needed to finish it on their own and tell me their thoughts. I wasn't there to see their reactions to unsaid Emily. Like I said my mom passed away, so my grandparent lost their daughter. They also have a son tho, and long story short none of us really see him or his family. His wife cut out a pretty much everyone on his side of the family, so my grandparents, my family, and I think some people on her side of the family too. So my grandma kinda relates to the Emily perspective and sometimes I think about that and I feel bad because me and my grandma do love each other but we also don't get along, we don't like fight angrily or anything but we just disagree on things and I guess I feel guilty about that too. That's not something I realized when I first watched the show.

Anyways, after collecting myself, I go back to my room to watch "one more episode" not knowing it was the last becuasee I didn't pay attention to how many there were when I started. I saw Nick get possessed and immediately went to click the next episode, and there wasn't one.

I googled when there would be a season 2, no answer. And I thought "it'll happen eventually. That was a major cliff hanger, they'll renew it."

And then life got hard. I had this new interest in this new show but I felt like I was being annoying every time I talked about it to my friends. I started thinking it was just me in general, no matter what I talked about, that was annoying and I convinced myself my friends didn't actually like me. Eventually I got a new phone so I had more storage and I made an instagram account so I could start making edits and interact with the fandom more even though I already have been a little bit on Wattpad. I only had my account for about a month before the show was cancelled.

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