People Watching

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I've been loving the head canon of Reggie being aromantic (possibly asexual too) and I need it to be real in a weird way and so enjoy a-spec Reggie content because you might just see more. Also it's not gonna specifically say he's aro but like the feelings and emotions are there so yea. Enjoy.

based off the song people watching by Conan Grey. Reggie has never felt what is friends describe crushes or being in love as and he just kinda watches his friends live their happy little relationship lifes wishing he could have that but he doesn't feel that and so yea. That's all.

Reggie's POV

Luke, Julie, and I were heading to class together. Alex had to go in the complete opposite direction than us, leaving me to be the third wheel. I mean, I don't mind. They're cute together and everything, but I just feel awkward hanging out with them sometimes because they're all in love with each other and I'm just here.

"Alright well I should get to class now." Luke says tucking a lock of Julie's hair behind her ear so he could see her face better. The way he looks at her with such admiration in his eyes and his soft smile he gives her is everything romance should be.

"Yea me too." Julie says. "See you after?"

"Yeah, of course." Luke says. Me and Luke have class right next door to Julie's class so we normally walk together but most of the time it's them walking together, holding hands and smiling and laughing with each other, and me walking two steps behind watching. I'm happy for them though.

"Alright bye baby." Luke says and the two give each other a quick kiss and Julie goes to her class and me and Luke walk into ours.

Part of me wants to feel whatever it is that is. Part of me wants to know what it feels like to be held and loved like that. Part of me wants to fall faster than anything, and be a part of this whole love fantasy.

But that's just it. It's just a fantasy to me. It doesn't feel real. Romance feels like it only belongs in fiction, in a fairy tale.

I know it's in the real world, I see it everyday. But for some reasons those just feel like fairy tales too. And as much as I love fairy tales, I can't see myself living out a romantic fairy tale.

I want to feel all that love and emotion, but part of me is just happy people watching instead, because I don't think I could ever feel that way, I don't think I could ever love anyone romantically. I'm not a prince or a knight in shinning armor and don't need a princess. I'm just plain old me.

"You okay Reggie? You're really quite." Luke says as we sit at our desks.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good." I say.

But I don't know if that's true. Am I good? Am I okay with this boring, unfulfilled life I live? Am I really okay with ending up all alone because I won't find love?

Everyone always says your life is complete when you find the one that completes you, your soulmate, your fairy tale. You can't feel fulfilled if you don't have that, right?

But I feel most fulfilled and complete when I'm with my friends. It's when they're all busy with their soulmates and loving their fairy tales that I feel empty, left only to wait and watch as they talk about their white picket fence dreams or count how many months they've been together.

And all I can do is watch. Waiting to feel that love and emotion, because I only get it from them. That's what's fulfilling. Not some unrealistic made up romance story, but the very real feeling I have when I'm with the band, where we're making music or just hanging out. That's my "picket fence dream".

Sorry this one was so short, but I hope you enjoyed! I love the head canon that Reggie aro or aroace and since Netflix cancelled Jatp (🙄) there's no season 2 to prove me wrong hence it could possibly be canon so in my head it's canon, I guess that's why they call it a head canon.

Anyways I'm getting sidetracked, I hope you liked this one shot thanks so much for reading, I hope you have a wonderful day. Remember to take care of yourselves and always stand tall 👻💜

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