Reggie's pet rock

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"That doesn't make any sense." Reggie says.

"Who you talking to?" Alex asks walking into the studio only seeing Reggie.

"Rockaphleir McStone." Reggie says. Alex gives him a confused look. "My pet rock." Reggie says like it should be obvious. He holds up a round, black rock with two different sized google eyes glued on and a red pipe cleaner curved to a smile.

"I don't know if I should be concerned or find this funny." Alex says.

"Don't be rude say hi." Reggie tells Alex.

"Yeah, I am not saying hi to your rock." Alex says.

"Alex! You made him sad."

"He's smiling. He doesn't look sad to me." Alex said.

"It's okay, you don't wanna be friends with him anyway. He's mean." Reggie tells his rock. "Which is why you're my best friend." He hugs the rock, holding it close like it was his most beloved pet.

"Yeah okay you are so strange." Alex sighs.

"And you're mean. You hurt Rockiphleir's feelings."

"It's a rock." Alex says.

"The nicest and sweetest rock ever." Reggie says. "And you hurt his fragile little heart. Come on Rockiphleir, let's go somewhere else where Alex won't make you sad." Reggie takes his pet rock and poofs away leaving Alex even more confused.

Luke comes into the studio now to get his journal so he can work on a song. "Hey Alex." He says grabbing his journal. "Where's Reggie?"

"I don't know, he was just in here talking to a rock and then accused me of hurting its feelings and left." Alex says.

"You hurt Rockaphlier's feelings?! How could you he's such a sweet little rock."

"Oh not you too." Alex groans. "It's a rock!"

"Clearly you haven't gotten to know him like I have. He has an amazing personality. He has a little dream of being a professional juggler. Isn't that sweet? And you know he's a rock so he has no arms so juggling is really hard for him." Luke tears up. "And now I'm getting all emotional." He wipes his tears.

"Are you and Reggie just messing with me?" Alex says.

"Why would we do that? This isn't about you this is about Rockaphlier." Luke says. "The poor guy just wants to be a juggler." He sniffles.

"Okay, I'm leaving." Alex sighs and poofs to the beach to look for Reggie and try and talk to him again, convinced at this point he and Luke are messing with him.

He finds him pretty easily, he's always at his favorite spot at the beach.

"You don't need arms to be a juggler, don't listen to what everyone else says. You just have to believe in yourself." Reggie tells his rock.

"Seriously Reggie, if you and Luke are messing with me with this whole rock thing-"

"Why would we mess with you?" Reggie says.

"Because you're Reggie and Luke." Alex says.

"Okay well Rockaphlier is really my pet rock who has a dream of being a juggler and maybe you would actually believe me if you took the time to get to know him but you are just a hater and nonbeliever like everyone else which makes Rockaphlier sad and when he's sad I'm sad because he's my best friend!" Reggie looks away, sniffling after saying all that.

"Oh, no don't cry, I'm sorry. I believe you. I...I think Rockaphlir will be a great juggler." Alex says suddenly feeling guilty for upsetting him. 

"Really?" Reggie says. "You really believe in him?"

"Uh, um yea definitely." Alex nods, honestly just trying to make up for making him sad. He was still pretty sure the rock was just a rock but now he was less sure Reggie and Luke were messing with him and Reggie actually formed an emotional attachment to a rock. "I think he can do anything he wants."

"Will you help me teach him to be a juggler?" Reggie asks, giving Alex the look a child gives their parent when asking for a puppy. What kind of friend would he be if he said no now and broke his heart?

"Okay. Yeah I'll help." He sighs.

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