More scanagians with Reggie confusing Alex with nonsense

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"I swear on our non existent lives, if you tell me some stupid riddle or joke, I'm never speaking to you again." Alex says looking over to where Reggie was hanging off the piano.

"Don't worry. Not today." Reggie says. "I just had a thought."

"That's is even worse." Alex sighs.

"So if you're flying through the desert, and your boat gets a flat tire, what should you have in your pockets?"

Alex lets out a deep sigh before he even begins to unpack what Reggie just said.

"Pardon me!?" He says. "What did you say?"

"See, I was thinking the answer would be blue because ice cream doesn't have any bones..."

"Stop." Alex says. "I think too much blood got to your brain and formed little blood clot monsters that are currently eating away at your tiny brain."

"That can happen!!" Reggie almost yelps, hands flying to his head. He comes crashing down from the piano. "Ow." He groans.

"You good?" Alex says.

"I'm fine!" Reggie chirps, popping up make Alex jump at the sudden movement. "I think the fall killed the blood clot monsters!"

"How...? are you...? okay." Alex sighs.

"Anyways back to my thought, I thought it would be blue because ice cream has no bones, but then I considered the fact you'd actually have arson in your pocket because Spider-Man lost against the Joker."

"What in the-  Spider-Man doesn't even fight the joker! They aren't even from the same universe. You can't have ARSON in your pocket, it's not an object. Did you hit your head too hard?"

"No, I'm fine. What are your thoughts?"

"My thoughts are that either you hit your head one too many times or you're just an idiot."

"Well gee, you don't have to be a bully." Reggie frowns.

Luke walks into the studio now. "Hey guys!" He says.

"I bet Luke will get it." Reggie says to Alex.

"Get what?" Luke says.

"Okay so if you are flying through the desert, and your boat gets a flat tire, what do you have in your pockets?" Reggie asks.

"See, it doesn't make sense. Reggie's brain is decaying." Alex says.

"Hmm, I'd say me personally would have Antarctica in my pocket because the horses name was Friday."

"OOOO I didn't even think about the horse!" Reggie gasps. "Well this changes everything!"

"Okay am I missing something? Did I hit my head?" Alex says.

"Nah man, it just takes an elite kinda person to understand what we're taking about." Luke says.

"I'm elite!" Reggie smiles.

"Julie!!!" Alex yells. "Reggie's Reggieing a little too much and it's affecting Luke!"

"Awe! I have my own verb!" Reggie smiles. "I feel so special."

"Oh you're special alright." Julie says walking into the studio. "What's going on?"

"Alex is just salty he doesn't understand the elite thoughts me and Reggie do." Luke explains. "I personally bestow all credit to Reggie though. It is called Reggieing after all, not Lukeing."

"I have my own verb Julie! Isn't that rad!?" Reggie smiles.

"What's going on?"

"Okay, so I was thinking, if you're flying through the desert and your boat gets a flat tire, what do you have in your pockets? I keep changing my answer, of course there's many right answers as long as you show your work. Currently I think I would have Friday in my horse because pockets don't dream."

"Okay even I don't get that." Luke says.

"Oops, I said it all turned around, I would have the horse named Friday in my pocket because dreams are my favorite food. Or did I mean what I said before..." he ponders. "Maybe both. Yeah. Both."

"Oh." Julie says. "Alex, I'm gonna let you handle this one." Julie says and walks out of the studio.

"No Julie don't leave me." Alex says but she was already gone. "I'm going to hang out with Willie. I can't stand you two right now." Alex poofs out.

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