Riddles and Jokes with Reggie and Alex

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Third person

"Alex!" Reggie rushes into the studio. You would think he was coming with urgent news or some kind of emergency but Alex already knew what was coming.

"Please not another riddle." He sighs.

"You told me yesterday you would listen." Reggie frowns.

"Okay okay, fine." Alex says. "What's your riddle?"

"Yay!!" Reggie smiles. "Okay so there's this family, and they live in a round house. One day, little Timmy goes missing."

"Maybe they just can't find him because he's so little." Alex says.

"I don't know, but you promised you'd stop interrupting."

"Okay, my bad. Continue."

"You promise you'll stop interrupting."

"I promise."

"Okay, so little Timmy goes missing. He was kidnapped." Reggie continues. "So, the family hires an investigator to question everyone in the family. First he asks Tommy the older brother what he was doing. Tommy was doing homework. He asks Trina next, the sister and Trina says she was playing chess with her twin Talia. The chef was making lunch, and the dad was at work, and the maid said she was dusting the corners." Reggie says. "Who made Little Timmy go missing?"

"Why was she dusting the corners, that's so weird? Like you could be dusting anything else and you dust corners?" Alex says.

"Okay but who made little Timmy go missing?"

"I'm not the investigator." Alex says.

"It's just part of the riddle." Reggie says.

Alex stops messing with Reggie and thinks about the riddle for a minute, "I don't know, you stumped me." Alex says, pretending to not have a clue.

"Obviously it's the maid." Reggie says.

"Oh really, is it that obvious?"

"Yeah! She said she was dusting the corners, but they live in a round house!"

"Ohhhh I see." Alex says. "Wow you got me there."

"See. I can be smarter than you sometimes." Reggie says.

"Yeah, you're one real wise guy."

"That kinda sounds like sarcasm." Reggie points out.

"I promise it's not." Alex says.

"Okay we'll do you wanna hear another one!"

"What did I do to deserve this?" Alex groans.

"What was that?"

"Uh, I mean, I'd love to!" Alex smiles. "Actually, I have one for you."

"Ooh! This is exciting normally I'm the one telling jokes and riddles to you!" Reggie smiles.

"This is a fun little joke." Alex says. "So a dad has a son who was born only has a head."

"Awe, what about the rest of him?"

"You know better than anyone not to interrupt." Alex says.

"Right. I'm sorry. Continue." Reggie says now listening intently.

"Okay so, on his 21st birthday his dad takes his son to the bar for his first drink. He takes his first sip and out pops his tourso."

"No way!" Reggie gasps. "So he gave him a magic potion!? That's so rad."

"Um, yeah sure. It was a magic potion." Alex nods. "So the boy takes another sip and out pop his arms." Reggie's jaw drops and Alex just continues. "He takes another sip and his legs pop out. Everyone is cheering and the boy is so excited, he run out of the bar and into oncoming traffic where he's hit by a car and dies immediately."

"WHAT!" Reggie screeches. "HE DIES!? That's not a funny joke at all! Why would you tell me this!?" Reggie says.

"I didn't finish yet, the punch line hasn't came yet." Alex says. "It's not real, no one-"

"I don't wanna hear the rest." Reggie frowns. "The poor boy should have quit while he was ahead."

Alex sighs. How did Reggie completely just steal the joke by saying the punchline before Alex got the chance?

"I'm never telling you another joke and I'm never listening to you tell a joke ever again."

"You're the one that came up with this dark and sad and messed up story, thinking it's funny!" Reggie says. "I don't wanna hear what other jokes you have anyways. Next you probably will tell me an even more messed up story about a dog dying."

"Hey guys." Luke poofs in. "What's going on."

"ALEX over here thinks CHILDREN dying is funny." Reggie says. "The poor child was a head all his life and then he finally got limbs and died instantly. That's not funny."

"Yeah that's kinda messed up Alex."

"Yeah well it would have been funny if you let me get to the punchline before you said it yourself." Alex says.

"You know I'm gonna let you two work this out by yourselves. See ya." Luke poofs away before he can get caught up in what we was going on here.

"Also you do realize he was 21, not a child." Alex says to Reggie.

"Oh. Yeah. So I guess it's not that bad. I mean, if it was a dog, now that would be awful."

"Okay Reggie." Alex sighs.

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