Reggie has more Riddles for Alex

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Third person

"Alex!" Reggie poofs into the studio.

"What is it now?" He sighs.

"I have another riddle!"

"Go away."

"Wow, okay. I see how it is." Reggie says. "I'll just go tell my riddle to Julie and Luke, and literally everyone else but you."

"No." Alex frowns. "I'm sorry, I wanna hear it, I'm your riddle buddy. Don't cheat on me."

"But you told me to go away and that made me kinda sad." Reggie frowns.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll get you pizza."

"I'm happy again!" Reggie smiles. "Okay, so here's my riddle. You're traveling through the woods and you are lost. You need to get back to the city."

"I'd personally be too smart to get lost."

"No interruptions." Reggie frowns again. "How many times are we gonna do this until you learn."

"My deepest apologies. I'm very ashamed of myself." Alex says sarcastically.

"As you should be." Reggie says. "As I was saying, you need to get back to the city. You come across two tunnels. One leads back to the city and one goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and-"

"Okay! I get it. It goes on forever."

"Don't snap at me! I'm just telling you a fun riddle." Reggie says. "Anyways, there's two guards guarding the tunnels. One guard always tells the truth, and one guard always lies. You may only ask one guard one question, so what do you ask? Remember you don't know if the guard you're asking will tell the truth or lie."

"You really said "let's give Alex and impossible riddle" didn't you?" Alex says.

"It's not impossible you just gotta have a brain."

"I have more brain than you stupid."

"Yeah well I have more heart because you're a bully and I'm actually really nice. People like nice people not smart people."

"Okay well I'm actually stumped this time." Alex says.

"We'll think about it a little longer."

Alex sighs and tries to think of the answer. How does Reggie even come up with these anyways? It must be that ticktock app Julie showed him.

"Okay I really don't know Reg." Alex says. "I give up."

"Okay so you can ask this to any guard. You would ask, what tunnel would the other guard leads to the city? And then go the opposite way." Reggie says. "Because if you ask the lying guard, he'll lie and say the other guard will say the trapped tunnel is the way out, but if you ask the truthful guard he'll say the other guard will say the trapped tunnel is the way out."

"Okay yeah that is kinda stupid, who would get that?"

"Well obviously not you."

"Yeah you probably wouldn't get it either."

"Yeah well..." Reggie pauses. "It doesn't matter because I'm the one who tells riddles and you're the one who solves them. And you still owe me pizza for being mean earlier."

"Okay okay fine." Alex says. "Let's go."

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