Chapter Forty seven-Love Is The Movement

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You are not your mistakes.

You are not self harm.

You are not an eating disorder,

You are not depression,

You are not failing classes.

You are not your parents divorce.

You are not how many times you cry yourself to sleep.

You are not your dorky glasses.

You are you.

You are your favorite song.

You are your craziest dreams at night.

You are the Saturday morning shows you watch.

You are what you love to do,

You are who you love.

You are what you want to do once you leave town.

You are the dream you had when you were six.

You are your aspirations in life.

You are the smell of your favorite holiday dinner.

You are your laugh.

You are everything good and whole in your life

You are who you are.

Not what you've done.

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