Chapter Thirty five-They Judge Me Before They Even Know Me

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They judge me before they even know me, that's why I'm better off alone.

You're perfect. You don't deserve to cry. The things you hate about yourself? Yeah I wish I had those. You think your life is hard? Welcome to my life. You're not alone. Your life could be worse, or a thousand times better than mine. I don't know your story. But stay safe. Don't ruin your life being sad. You're too young to be this sad. Enjoy your childhood while you still have it. My advice to you, tell someone. I recommend a close friend.

Don't tell everyone, because that will make matters worse. Tell someone who will listen and accept you. I believe that everyone has secrets that should be kept, however, some need to be told to keep you safe. I don't think you realize how amazing you are.

You want a size zero? I wish I was a size three. I cry myself to sleep every once in a while. I have a horrible relationship with my mom. I've been bullied, to a bad point. I'm compared everyday to people who are better than me. I'm constantly not good enough. But that shit makes me who I am.

All of my flaws are mine. No one else can say that. I'm nowhere near perfect. But I have unique flaws. You do too. Think about it, only you can be you. If you spend your entire life pretending to be someone you're not, then who are you? You're not yourself. Don't waste your life being someone you're not. That's pointless.

Not everyone will like you. Get over it. Open your eyes and see the people who love you for you. They will stand by your side.

If you make friends being fake, they won't like you for who you are. You can't expect to make true friends being a fake. Be true to who you are and love and happiness will find its way in.

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