Chapter Six-Sometimes the Best Comes After the Worst

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I just wish you all wouldn't take advantage of little things. Sometimes, it's the little things that mean the most. Like that one smile you get everyday, or how your friend always saves your seat. The little things. Those are what matter, because you never know when they could end. You never know why people change, but they do. And when they do, you're left in the dust. The hardest part about watching someone change, is remembering who they used to be.

Point is you never know when things could turn for the worst. You never know when your morning kiss will be your last. You never know when the last time you see someone could be. You never know when someone will stop loving you. So please, take for granted everything you have: it could be stripped away from you in an instant. Appreciate what you have now, and you'll know what you need later in life. Some say change is good, but when people change for the bad, it's horrible. Savor every last moment, because you never know when someone could change for the worst.

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