Chapter Thirty six-We're All The Same

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I understand where you are. I understand and can relate to how you feel. I've been there, I've felt the pressure to be perfect, I've done stupid things under pressure. But we're all the same. We have or will feel pressure, we just handle it differently. Some bottle it up, and some take it out on themselves. Just know, it's alright. It's fine if you self harm. You're going to be okay. That's your way of dealing with things.

I'm not saying it's healthy, but it's not the end of the world. What I'm saying is self harmers shouldn't be blamed. They broke. That's not their fault in any way, at all. So instead of bullying the people who already bully themselves, take a look at others.

What about the people asking them to be perfect? How do they feel? Obviously not as horrible as the self harmers. But perfection doesn't exist, and asking for it is like asking for unhappiness.

If you want someone to be perfect, you deserve to feel how they feel, not them. If you're the one making them cut themselves, you deserve to be where they are. Why do people make fun of the people who already get made fun of? They don't need anymore stress. So if you're looking for a target, pick the bullies. If anyone deserves it, it's them. We blame society, yet we are society.

People are the same. We all have bones. We all have eyes. We all have emotions. From a distance, no one can tell the difference. From an x-ray everyone is the same. Same bones, same size, same face. So why would adding features make the person change? What about looking abnormal makes a person ugly? What about being gay makes a person less of a human?

Looks, sexuality, religion, smarts, they don't matter. We're all human. Accept that. Believe me when I say it will get better.

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