Jealousy - Newt

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I scanned the glade. The builders were building. Fry was cooking. The meds was bored as no one ever got hurt. Alby was walking around the glade pointing at every issue that needed to be fixed and beside him was the blond haired boy that I had ended up fallen so badly hard for.

I looked back at Thomas & Minho "you actually think he likes me?" I asked in disbelief

"Girly....he is our best friend we know he likes you" Minho rolled his eyes

"He is just terrible at showing it or even trying to change the friendship status to something else" Thomas said

I arrived in the glade about 3 months ago and I immediately got a liking for Newt already the first week. He was so sweet, gently and funny and now Minho & Thomas are claiming that my lover boy likes me too.

To bad he doesn't show a single sign of it...

"So the bonfire later...." Minho started
"May be your chance to get something from him" he shrugged

"No way....I'm not going to embarrass myself in front of him again" I sighed

"We will help you obviously" Thomas said

"And how are you going to do that?" I asked

"Just by a little bit of jealousy" Minho laughed

Oh boy....

Newts POV

I didn't pay any attention to Alby as he was running around complaining about bits and bots. My focus was on Y/n. She looked beautiful as always, but it was bothering me how she was laughing with Minho & Thomas. I wanted to be the one to make her laugh. I wanted to be her everything. - it's a lot I know...

Later that night....

It was time for bonfire since our newest greenie arrived. Me and Alby took turns on showing the greenie around and tonight it was albys turn. So That mend I would be spending all night long with y/n which was great, but 2 shuckfaces wouldn't leave us alone.

Minho POV

I laughed at something stupid Thomas said and used that as a excuse to lay my arm around y/n she shifted weirdly not used to me giving her attention.

I watched Newt gulp as he saw my arm around his girl. I think he had the same move in mind cause his arm slowly slid down against his sides.

"Y/n you obviously look very hot tonight, doesn't she?" Thomas looked at both me & Newt

"A real night snack" I flirted

Newt looked at Thomas in disbelief To why his best mates would ever flirt with his girl and why we would very use those comments

"She looks beautiful! You look beautiful" he looked at Y/n. I could tell y/n wanted to be by newts side and under his arm, but now she finally saw some action from newt which was a good thing.

"Newtie why don't you go ahead and fill some glasses up for me and my princess?" I asked him and I could tell his blood was boiling

"Your princess?!" His jaw clenched

"Yeah?" I smirked "any problem with that?"

"Well yeah obviously I do" he said which was a bit of a surprise.


He has a problem with that? He was jealous? My heart started pounding harder and harder. God I wanted to kiss those lips of his. Minho begin pulling me even closer to his chest and his hand found my hair and started playing with it.

Newt however always managed me make me feel loved and save when he played with my hair, but Minho was rough and didn't care that he actually could break it by his actions.

"Minho-" I started to get annoyed with the whole situation.

"What princess?" He smirked

"Stop it" I whispered, but loud enough to get a reaction from newt

"Sorry?" Minho continued

"She said stop it your slinthead!" Newt pulled me off Minho before connecting his fits with minhos face. Something I never thought would happen.

"Hey hey hey!" Thomas jumped in trying to stop them as I stood shocked

I didn't know actually what to do....this was minhos plan not mine, still I caused it...kinda

Soon Alby ran over and helped Thomas get them away from each other

"What the shuck is going on?!" He yelled "you guys are best friends why would you ever fight like that?" He asked in disbelief

"Best friends doesn't flirt with the others crush!" Newt yelled at Minho. Which took me back for a sec

"It was a joke your slinthead" Minho laughed through pain

"A joke?! How is this a joke to you" newt yelled again

"We wanted to make you jealous so y/n could finally see some action from you...i didn't except you to ruin my face" he complained

"Oh..." Alby said "I guess I will leave you alone then" he said awkwardly before leaving

"What the hell does that mean?" He looked at me

"I heard rumors about you fancying me...and I wanted to know if it was true" I looked down in the ground

"You could just have asked me...But I obviously do fancy you " he took a deep breath

"Bravo" Minho said still in pain from his broken nose. At least the medjacks have something to do now...

"Minho slim it" Thomas laughed before helping Minho up and guiding him towards the meds leaving me and newt alone

I sat back down against the log

"Are you angry with me?" I asked worried

He sat down beside me and signed "well I'm not glad that my best friend faked flirting with you just because you wanted some attention from me"

"I'm sorry" I signed sadly

"It's alright I guess....if it makes you any clearer where I'm standing with you" he wrapped his arms around me

"I did not expect you to ruin his face like that..." I smiled "did it make you very angry?" I asked

"Angry? I was burning inside" he laughed nervously

I giggle as I looked at him, his lips and jaw

"I like you too" I told him

" do?" He asked nervously

"Why would I ever want attention from you if I didn't like you" I asked

"Idk...." He smiled before connecting our lips

I kissed back of course? Butterfly's filled my stomach. His lips were soft and welcoming. I wanted to kiss them all night long. He pulled me closer to his chest and wrapped both arms around me

We finally pulled away from each other after a while

"I love you....I'm sorry I don't show you enough actions...." He signed

I giggle "it's alright. Those were the words I wanted to hear" i kissed his jaw

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