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"Miss you're blocking the way", can this day get any worse.....

I looked up and met forest green eyes behind him stood the guy I ran on this morning, Vincy "Come on Pharrell be nice she is our group leader, hey ca.. car... caramel yeah this is that missing member his name is Pharrell"  Vincy introduced with a cheeky  smile. So he is Pharrell where did all this boys fall from I mean just where and if we were talking of injustice in creation then I have seen it today. He just looked as if he could see through me he had these  green eyes that had lashes that could make girls jealous ,sharp jaw,  and his lips ,God his lips I could just... 

"Earth to you" Vincy brought me back to reality, damn I hate the way I starred. " okay you come with it we'll see you at the discussion then" he said I nodded trying to recall what will I come with, I wasn't listening. Well this is surely my day

                                JADEN'S POV

 "Daddy where are we  going"  my little sister asked, I raised her since when she was like three months old. She calls me 'daddy' I like it that way it makes me feel closer to her, both our parents passed away on the same day. Till date I am still searching to avenge them both though I don't really know who did it and why but I found some clues. "Dad's going for a discussion don't you wanna come along princess" I said lifting her "okay, I can't sit here alone I'd get scared" she said as I shut the door " princess knights don't get scared they fight unless your princess chicken" I said  and smiled as I tickled her cause she had already frowned "hey have you ever heard of princess chicken before" I said pecking her "you tricked me daddy" she giggled "no you cut me off if you're scared you be the first, Janine the chicken princess" I said and she hit me and laughed. 

I was going for the discussion I figured I can't leave Janine alone after all am not letting her baby sitter stay here till late unless I want her to sneak in my room naked. I kept thinking of my parents' death I was starting to get some hints on what caused their death. "Daddy slow down you may hit someone" I took a deep breath and managed a smile I could cause an accident if \i kept doing this " okay sweetheart worry out". I starred at her when I stopped the car, she was all I had my everything, she melts all the ice coldness in me.

"Hey princess knight we're here" I spoke opening my arms wide and letting her jump in, I took my bag and walked into the mansion. I absorbed the environment it looked as big as our place, after a quick talk with the gate's guard  a girl came Snowfall  I guess.

"Hey Jaden, how's you we were about to start come on in" She stated as she walked forward "Welcome to my place" she said clearly trying to impress me I just nodded. We were in finally,

"Jaden we were waiting for you let's begin" Summer said, another one trying to impress me girls, "But the leader isn't here yet" Hardin said, "So, should we just sit here wait for that black loser "Snowfall stated with pure hate.

"Yeah are you a racist or something" Hardin asked, "Is it your problem" Snowfall shot back "okay first calm down the two of you and Snowfall show Jaden where to keep the child and it's raining outside so I guess we should just start she'll catch up".

Suddenly she walked in, wait isn't this the girl who walked into the boys locker room today? "Am really sorry am late I got lost" well duh!, "it's okay" Hardin said "don't come any closer You're dripping water " Snowfall spoke, Vincy stood up and took off his jacket "Here take this and warm up did you come with it?" He simply asked and she looked puzzled and as if she was cursing in her head, then  Hardin brought her a towel. She is a girl of people then, I took off my Jacket to cover Janine when she said "No daddy you keep it" Well did you know people could hear birds' burping, well note it it's a fact.

"Daddy" they all repeated together except for my eternal opponent Pharrell, did I mention that before okay I will. I pretended to have not heard them "No princess am okay, you stay warm" I kissed her cheek and turned around to meet everyone's expressions I just went on and sat before I could laugh.

"Goodness even google has no answers for this where the hell should we find them" Summer pouted, "Why don't we twist the question like things done now that weren't done then like pornography and drug dealing effects would be people walking naked now cause they had enough pornography watching for generations" We really wasted our hearing on listening to that idiot Hardin.

"I thought of many things but none of them made sense" our genius president  Adam stated, I noticed only Pharrell, Scott and I weren't even listening.

After a general silence "Guys I thought  of something ,we all know that the only place we can get history of things is in museums right?" Caramel asked "yeah so you suggest we visit them all " Snowfall said with a smirk " No, I want us to access on the webs of the museums of the earliest civilization and since they can't post discrete things like this we'll have to hack and by we I mean you Jeremy" She stated "And to get this wrapped up soon each one of us will get a task, Jeremy you gonna do it now or later" She added "The work's deep so I may need to give you feedback tomorrow " He said but was already doing his stuff.

"Well that was impressive" I heard Hardin talk to her, Caramel had characteristics of.." let's have some drinks and play a game as we wait for the weather to get better" My thoughts got caught by Snowfall's voice. Caramel was walking out of the back door and Janine sat up "Daddy I wanna go to the washroom" she said after she sat on my lap 

"Let me take her" caramel spoke out of the blue and it just didn't sound like she was trying to impress me, It was real "Yes daddy you sit here I'll go with her" Caramel gave her a smile and held her hand. Janine smiled and walked away without turning am not used to that you know.

"It's truth or dare you bimbo not either ways" Scott spoke for the first time after Hardin for the tenth time said 'dare or truth'. "Come on blames on my nursery teacher" Hardin took defense "don't put blames on a person who worked harder on you than any other person in your class blame the beans you got for brains" The longest statement Scott spoke and even I smiled. The bottle was spun

"what the fuck me, no way" I said after the bottle landed on me, "daddy isn't that a bad word" Okay I didn't notice how long they were gone till I saw her "Am sorry princess I won't say it again" I said. She left Caramel's hand and walked to me "pinky swear" she said giving me her little pinky  which I entangled with mine. "pinky swear" she smiled, damn this girl brings the best out of me. "play nice" she added.

"okay truth or dare Jaden" I looked to find Snowfall smiling wickedly "Truth ", fuck I know this won't end well and I cursed again "Is she your daughter?" oh fuck! I knew she'd come to this, and she did uncovered my scars.......

     Hey.. what do you think Jaden will tell his group mates? The truth? and Pharrell ....lot's  of things are up ......Don't forget to vote, share and comment.. love


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