... REMEDY...

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   Caramel's POV

I just stared at him as my thoughts flooded, surely I know I like him but is it worth it for me. My thoughts were caught when he let out a gasp that had a hint of pain in it.

I had no idea of what to do let alone what to say, I wanted to cry but this time my guts told me to be strong, I knelt beside him I stared at the pool of blood near him and took the piece of cloth that was soaked already I saw him watch me as if he now pitied me.

I took a deep breath as I tried to do what my brain said I should, in a voice that felt like a whisper I said" it's purely in my will, I wish that you could heal" and a blue light happened and he was healed.

I wanted to jump away from myself I was shocked and terrified and so was Jaden but he composed himself and held my shaking hands " come on Cara it's just one of your many abilities don't worry" I took a deep breath before allowing myself to agree with what he said to me.

He stood up and stretched I simply sat there watching him he ripped the remaining part of his shirt and opened his backpack to take a black  hoodie and a grey one. " Remove your shirt it's dirty and soaking put this on before you get sick". I didn't hesitate I didn't want to give him any ideas, I took it then asked him to turn around.

He scoffed" why are you telling me to turn around " he asked playfully, but I was in no mood to joke. " Just turn around okay" seeing my expression he just turned raising his hands in defeat.

It was still raining and cold, so he closed his eyes and chanted something and a fire appeared, my eyes widened" we're inside you jerk" he just smirked looking to the fire " nothing will happen it just warms the place" he replied.

We sat in a long silence I watched him closely as he took out his phone and placed earphones and plugged them in his ears, I exhaled knowing for sure this was gonna be a long night.

I zoned out before I  was taken back by my name rolling out of his tongue " come listen to this" he said placing his hand next to him for me to sit " just come close so that we won't unplug it cause we'll surely be caught" he said and I went to sit next to him.

It was music that he kept, it was a soft tune with a smooth voice and the melody in it made me feel like I was gonna cry I read the name of the song it was DANDELIONS. How could anything from two thousand years ago be so cool and amazing.

I almost cried as I focused on the words, it was one of the most touching and direct words it's like the person knew what I felt except I was never getting to the conclusion.

As the song played I wanted to distract myself from crying I watched him as he only stared in space " Jay the song is beautiful" I said and he turned to meet my eyes and he smiled. I had to shout  to myself in the inside not to scream.

" I love this song too,it carries a lot of meaning to me" I smiled at his answer but out of nowhere I screamed" what is wrong with you" I wanted to stop myself but I figured I got nothing to loose.

" What do you mean" he said looking puzzled honestly" one moment your good and the other bad one your emotional and the other your some cold ice pack" I stated firmly.

Jaden stared at me before blinking not knowing what to answer " Jaden you risked your life to come here while you caused me to be here why am I even asking you this," I  fidgeted with my hair " shit" I added as I stood up.

" I want to be your friend and clean my mess because I Know I can't fix the broken pieces but I wanna try clean it up" he stated , I exhaled sitting back next to him.

" How are we going to get out of here" I asked trying to change the subject. " We'll figure it out don't worry my lady" I smiled at the fact that he's back baby.

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