... UNTOLD...

2 1 2

"we need to talk....

Vincy led the way and Jaden followed behind, they sat on a bench in the hospital's garden.
"What is it that you wanna say Vincent hurry up I gotta go somewhere" Vincy starred at him for a while before giving him a genuine smile. " You're the only one who calls me Vincent after my parents" he took a deep breath looking at Jaden who was impatient

" You know I would ask you what happened that day you pushed us away and disappeared for six years, coming back with your sister calling you father but I won't" he took another deep breath as Jaden just starred at him not tempting to say anything.

Vincy searched his pocket only to remove a silver necklace, "here you're turning 24 today so this is a gift I bought for you six years ago,thanks for being the brother the family the motivation I needed since third grade, I was really hurt when I didn't see you for a while but an happy your back now" he said and hugged him.

Jaden stiffened in vincy's embrace surely he felt awkward and a bit better "I made two of those, the second one will come to you when time is right" Vincy stood up.

Jaden punched his shoulder playfully " thanks bro" he said really meaning it, Vincy smiled at the sound of bro. " Happy birthday bro" he added. They parted ways as Jaden thought that someday Vincy will know the truth of what happened that night six years ago but for now let it be.

" Okay so we know Harry has telekinesis, Scott controls the fire element, Jerry can teleport, Vincy can use telepathy with all creatures, summer controls wind element , snowfall controls water element and am a shape shifter" Adam concluded

"You didn't mention Pharrell,Jaden and caramel " summer snapped at him he gave out a shaky breath " they're complicated to an extent even the crystal ball can't define them" they starred at each other before Hardin could interrupted sipping his tea loudly "seriously, man what's that '' Scott asked

" it's ice tea "he answered and sipped again even louder making Scott hit the cup pouring all it's content . Everyone just gasped " your lucky next time it will be your mouth am smashing if you sip anything like that. They all grinned " let's go get caramel''

    Caramel's POV

I woke up I was still cuffed and locked in a tiny room that had iron gates for doors and a small window that allowed only a creak of light through it. The last thing I remember was being thrown in here blindfolded, the place had a heavy foul smell making it hard to breathe

I adjusted to get a bit comfortable then memories flooded through my head, I struggled I wanted to scream to cry I couldn't think straight. I happened to like a guy who was just passing time or just never fell for me. Again for like the hundredth time I just had never had any luck in my life not with guys not with people I love and just life in general .

My life is one big disappointment made by other small disappointments, I knew from the beginning I wasn't supposed to take any chances. Even the prophecy is against us, I was such a fool again...

I stared at the black ceiling which had a hint of sunlight on it and made myself a mental note... Dear self please just let go of all this I don't know if you know this but I know your extraordinary, your amazing just yourself and you don't need no one's approval, come on girl don't judge yourself by what the heck they say or think you got a purpose to fulfill a life to live and people to save let's get you out of here first. I love you..., God please I need you now more than ever  it doesn't matter what happened I need you I love you

I told myself and I told God I knew I needed him now I shut my eyes to concentrate,my body was almost giving in my lips were so dry  they cracked .

As I struggled Avalon came in she kicked the chair I sat on making me fall  and hurting the side of my head on the concrete floor. I couldn't stand so I slept there pain rushing to my face as blood dripped and my ears made a beep sound.

" Well,well,well I finally get to meet you in person just the two of us, now listen to me or you die first Jaden is mine if you wanna save your freaking universe keep your distance and second don't even think of escaping  from here or you meet your death " she said all this time her boot were on the side of the chair where my  head lied.

"Boys give her some water and food before tomorrow comes and she'd look like the shrimp she is" eyeing me once more avalon left me with his guys.

They lifted the chair and uncuffed me only to allow me to have water and food, one of them moved my hair to the side "amore your beautiful" he said as the others laughed and I stiffened out of shock they keep teasing and trying to take advantage of me.

" Stop" I looked around to find a handsome looking young man his eyes were like Avalon's so I assumed he was her brother " now go away before I mutilate you and feed your bodies to my dogs '' they all left in a hurry

He walked to me " you must be caramel, your eyes tell am Enzo" he smiled while placing a kiss on the back of my hand. He took some pills and handled me with a glass of water" come on drink it" he insisted. When I hesitated" come on if I wanted to kill you I would already have belle"

I took the medication while he just watched me carefully then he cuffed me and smirked as he tugged my hair behind my ear he smirked as he muttered something under his breath then dressed the wound I had thanks to his sister .

I closed my eyes as soon as he left  I wanted to get out, as I thought about it I found myself standing in front of myself. I got  scared and confused for a while then I recalled last time I trained with Adam secretly he told me that I have multiple powers.

I had seen this in movies, people had ability to leave their bodies or make people like them like identical it's called umh.. cloning I said out a bit too loud maybe then I uncuffed myself, and I walked behind myself which I found creepy I went to take keys then opened for my other self to get out soon I was one again and I left.

I walked past sleeping guards then to the basement soon I was near the main hall I had no idea of where I was going to, Italians don't know when to stop when they start partying.

I saw Avalon and his brother walking to my direction, I almost fainted I had no idea what to do. As I kept brooding I was pulled to the wall and covered my mouth with his or her palm I couldn't see clearly because he or she had a mask on.

In a blink of an eye we appeared in a forest , it was huge and that's when I discovered it was a guy he never said a word just pulled me to run, I ran till I was out of breath

" wait I,I, I can't breathe" the guy surely swore I needed to exercise cause we only ran for three minutes, arrows were being shot all over the place.

" Can I see your f..." My question was cut off by a loud howl like that of a wolf, we began running again , he led me to a bush and held my mouth covered to an extent even my breath was unheard.

" If I find that bitch am killing her with my bare hands " I saw Avalon go first then Enzo who just rolled his eyes and walked not bothered we sat there for what felt like an eternity and soon it began raining heavily.


They walked around the forest and found a long abandoned hut, they entered and it was no different from outside except no water came in.

As soon as they entered the hut the masked guy fell and caramel turned him to find he was shot by a fire arrow. As she removed the vest he wore under his unbottoned  shirt , she saw  the familiar tattoos and a sharp pain passed her chest but her emotions  could hurt her but not today.

She helped him dress the wound using his own ripped t-shirt, he began shaking as if he was gonna die or was sick , she wanted to pretend that she didn't know him but the more she delayed the more sick he looked and fell down like he had asthma and tetanus both at the same time .

She walked next to him wand sat there " what's wrong" she said failing to hide her anger. He looked up " I used all my strength to come here and I don't think I may ever get it back but as long as I got to make sure you're alive and will go back home"

Caramel was beyond shocked, seriously he did that I don't need him do I ??

Hey lovies 🥰💞 thanks for support sorry for short chapter I'll make it better 👍

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