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I saw Jaden too, but I won't tell anyone yet...

 Adam glared at me for a while then he slowly told me "Hey this seeing thing maybe hard for you but we'll always be here anytime we'll pull through this together. I smiled and looked at Jeremy who was patting my back all this time, I felt safe and strangely loved not that kind of love that makes you feel as if your common sense has left your body, the love that makes you feel all protected and cherished and that it's worth it.

The bell rang indicating classes were up, I have never felt happier on monday I caught up on Emma walking side by side with Vincy and soon Pharrell joined us and we were split Emma was busy talking, laughing and blushing to Vincy I on the other side felt as if I was trapped in a locker with Pharrell.

"so are you coming for the assignment today" he asked

"wait we have to" I asked dramatically gasping

"Of course , you're the group leader and you don't know" he chuckled and I simply gave a smile, a faint one. I walked to my locker and grabbed Jayel I came with him because he was so lonely at home. I had left Pharrell and the pair a few steps and as soon as I held Jayel's ball Pharrell appeared

" Emma left with Vincy she said she'll call you and will leave the door open when you go to her house for the sleep o... oh my God is that a rat in a ball " He gasped it turns out boys are not only color blinded they're also animal blind and stupid.

I rolled my eyes at his expression "It's a hamster, you seen a rat this adorable before his name is Jayel" I smile holding the ball to him unlike Jaden he takes it and stares at it adoringly " it is adorable" he compliments

"Am hungry why don't you just go home we'll make you late " I said but being the hard head he refused saying he has to go for the discussion anyway, and took us to MacDonalds  well he reads my mind.

"Why did you name that hamster Jayel" he asked and I smiled " secret I can't tell"  He gazed at me and how I kiss my hamster through its transparent ball. "you know I wish that was me " I look up to find Pharrell starring at me deeply his forest green eyes almost piercing my heart.

 I tug a handful of fries to his mouth and he chokes he moves to my side and I throw him fries to his face he does the same and we laugh out loud as he turns me around and tickles as I wasn't going to stop my childish acts of throwing food on him,

 " okay you two look as if your newlyweds but even though just quit being too noisy" The manager says to us "What no we are not even datin..." my sentence was cut half by a laugh from Pharrell he really laughed lively and tossed his head behind I watched him and smiled inwardly.

"What was funny about that" I asked looking as if am pissed " hey calm down it's just the idea of me and you getting married is funny" he chuckled  and stared at me eyes travelling to a silver necklace which had a little silver  cross at the end that was always around my neck "do you believe in God" he asked and I nodded "I do, I have so much faith in him " I said recalling  my hard days "well, don't you" I fired  

"Am an atheist I don't believe he exists it's all bullshit if he was there why would he let people suffer like this" he fired back as he picked Jayel up and stared at him through the ball "well someone told me that God never helps people he just simply blesses them and let them choose what to do and if he helped us everyday do you think we'd know what it means to struggle and outlive and even think of him" my thoughts were drawn to Jaden as I said this and then  I starred at Jayel only to notice something was missing on him, his locket I panicked.

 "hey Pharrell do this please go ahead to Scott's with Jayel am going to get his locket at ummh! a friend's place" I said not wanting to tell him that I was going to get it from Jaden's " Why can't we all just go, I don't mind and anyway aren't pets supposed to have collars instead of lockets" He insisted, no way he can't just walk with me to Jaden's unless I wanna burry one of them in the garden. 

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