... CHARM...

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Promises are made to be broken....
               Jaden's POV
Caramel smiled at the look on my face "why Do you look so puzzled it's cute though" she giggled, I was puzzled really I mean I have never thought that someone would think of promises the way I do and let alone that someone be Caramel. I snapped back to reality, she was waving her hand in front of my face " am saying am going to bed now"

I stood up " let me give you some company " did I just say that damn me, she gazed at me like she was asking when did you start being all goody two shoes but she never said it. " How is Emma" I said after a short moment of silence " thought you would never ask, the doctor said she may be that way for weeks or months or maybe she may never wake up and though I know I won't be able to do anything to the ones who did that to her I would like to at least know them and let them know that I forgive them for taking away the only family I have" she sniffed and wiped a tear rolling down her cheek.

I was a bit taken back by her words 'forgive' why should she? " You'll just let them go like that," I asked and she turned around " of course, I mean what's the point of just taking revenge while it won't do anything to reverse the situation" well she made a point.  I smiled at her again what the hell is wrong with me today, even she was astonished for a while before she smiled back and said " you have a great smile do that often" I smirked " I think I smoked weed before coming here so Cherish it while it's still there "

We reached Janine's room and she entered first to peck her forehead I saw a tear rolling down her cheek, I walked to her and pulled her up the used my thumb to rub the tear away,she looked up at me her eyes full of tears " why is the world so cruel, what did she do to deserve this " I pulled her in to hug her, just as I wanted to  pat her head as she rested her head on my chest  she fell down like her knees were weak I hurried to help her up but she tilted her head back and struggled to breath soon she passed out and I lifted her bridal style to the emergency room.

"There's nothing wrong with her" the doctor told me as he came out I let out a breath of relief. "Then why did she faint" I asked my curiosity taking the best of me " I don't really know but there was nothing wrong", I decided to sleep next to her and the way she acted before fainting replaying in my mind like a recording.

          Caramel's POV

Jaden walked to me then  his thumb touched my face to rub the tear I couldn't stop after talking he hugged me wanting to give me comfort my heart was hammering asking to be let out so it can breathe as I rest my head on his chest I felt as if I was grabbed by my hair and couldn't breathe everything turned blur and I felt as if I was falling...

I woke up and found myself standing in front of a castle it was dark and cold and I heard people talking and laughing inside I had no control of my feet as I passed in the middle of a graveyard and to the front door of the castle. I saw the girl who I  suppose to have seen her with Jaden before she dressed up like a princess she sat on one of the front seats of the hall I watched as the people  that had black wings and some little horns and some large horns they fisted on.. wait raw meat,my stomach knotted they all wore black or red even the girl had a red princess gown on she still looks gorgeous. Suddenly  a sound of spoon clicking a glass was made and the place turned  grave quiet.

" We all know about the prophecy of avadonia and all it states I made a deal with the one who is unknown on banishing music and all we have to do is twist it, no one from the human worlds or anywhere in the universe knows anything about it not even those naive kids so we only have to make sure the thing that shouldn't be heard in our territory is banished forever" the whole congregation roared and cheered as I almost jumped out of my skin. Someone raised their hand "what Will we get in return" he said as he was allowed to speak, another man from the front table  with an eye patch stood up, the leader nodded "we get to reign the human world and take over the celestials forever"

" Avalon my girl will go first as an example to all of you about being able to sacrifice " she walked forward and that's when I took a good look at her apart from her blinding beauty she had a pair of black wings and on top of her head a small tiara I could feel my heart throwing up when she turned around.

" I am going to get the power we lost all those years ago and return our pride am gonna do everything and destroy everything that comes on my way no one will stop me only I can say it's over" she said as her eyes landed on me the second she was talking of destroying I swallowed I thought she saw me but after that she walked away and as she was disappearing behind the curtain she eyed me and mouthed the end is coming.

I kept wondering around I had to wait for my whatever power I posses to take me back home. I saw that in here they were all so cruel I saw one boy dragging a knife into his friend's eye and everyone laughed as the boy whimpered in pain. I felt sorry but couldn't help it was just a vision and besides.... Wait I still didn't know why I was here

I was dragged to Avalon where I met her dressed normally accompanied by a short cute boy I swore I knew him from somewhere suddenly I found myself in the human world in front of Jaden's house and I saw them looking through the window I found myself also watching it was the day I babysat Janine and it was the time I was playing the piano then it hit me I can't recall anything after that I just found myself sleeping next to him on his bed.

I saw that he appeared having wings like the ones I saw before but his were golden Avalon gasped " he got golden ones that means she is already close to him" I stared at her in confusion,  I saw how panicked I was  seeing him like that and on top of that I was in his forbidden room then he touched my forehead as he got to me,he looked as if he was zapped as he fell back and I passed out he woke up took my hands closed his eyes and was taking or maybe giving me some energy? " He wiped her memory" asked the boy and I felt sunk why did he?

I was somehow pissed going through this okay not lie Jaden was some close friend of mine but I was just pissed." That's her the girl who we have to somehow keep her away from him, we know the consequences if we don't. Let's destroy her if possible" Avalon stated in a murderer like voice and an electric spark went through my spine " what if she will somehow win this" the little puppet boy asked " we also kill him so we both don't get him " my blood turned cold she sounded so serious.

" Anyway she'll end it with him after knowing who he is" she said taking a book out of her bag " now let's use the only moon dark powder left to reverse the prophecy" ..

I opened my eyes to find myself in the hospital I sat up and I saw Jaden sitting next to me fast asleep he began sweating and his body started glowing I panicked I used all my strength and dragged him on the bed and pulled a sheet over him he didn't move and I was a panting mess when I also entered the sheet he was in and my hair messy at the same instant the nurse walked in curse my luck I think she got the wrong idea cause she turned red and left.

I began starring at the ceiling the bed was small so I had to turn and sleep sideways as I started at Jaden I saw that cocky bastard was gone just one striking boy left with a lot of pressure entangling him then it got me again.. why did I have that dream

It was seven in the morning but it looked as if it was midnight it began storming outside with lightning and thunder  I wanted to leave but Jaden pulled me back on top of  him he was shaking and sweating the glow was gone I pulled away but he forcefully pulled me into na hug what scared me wasn't sitting on his laps but when did he sit exactly.

He hugged me tighter whenever lightning struck and tears rolled down as he said" don't leave me or they will strike me they'll hurt me and I can take it no longer don't go I need you or I may die if you Don't need me, I don't care if the universe doesn't need me I need only you to need me" I wanted to move to leave he was just dreaming I can't allow myself to get ideas that was till he said.." c please Caramel.  ... My blood froze as I turned around to see his eyes still closed and he muttered again " Caramel  only you can save me" and tears rolled down my cheek..

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