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My stomach sunk, I couldn't believe I was lied to, betrayed again by a person I was trying to love and a person I thought he loves me. And if that wasn't enough he kissed her I swallowed my tears and walked away from the window I walked to my room I wanted a hug, a word of comfort anything just something to get some sort of relief as I searched through my bag for a hoodie I saw a small picture of Jesus my heart stopped.

I have been fighting alone all this time while I got him, I slapped myself I couldn't have been so selfish even for God. Call me crazy and out of date but I have a long history with God just when no one was there he came along and found me. I took a deep breath and walked to the chapel through the backdoor.

As I got there I knelt I felt double guilt as I came here as am in need a tear rolled down my cheek as comfort rolled through me as I knelt to pray in front of mother Mary's statue.

I felt someone behind me as I almost finished praying, after my prayers were done I turned around slowly cause I felt a familiar scent already. Yep, I felt my heart falling slowly and taking me with it I wanted to pounce on him and hit him. Just his mere presence made my world crumble and all the pain I hid for the past month no since I landed my eyes on him six months ago cane back like a tsunami.

I eyed him he looked nervous or whatever it is that was, I took a look at mother Mary's statue then I glanced at him again our conversation ended us in a cafe together.

As I talked to him I realized he lost his memory and he needed it back, I wanted to disagree but what will I lose nothing. He called Jayel a hamster which was new and didn't freak out when he held him and I'll help him get his memory back because I'd rather keep Jayel to myself.

I stared at my wrist watch it was almost four in the morning, I took a deep breath and scanned the area now where should we begin with?

" It's 4 am you wanna start now" I asked,he nodded we walked hand in hand to the main road " well if we are ever gonna get your memory back we need to start with the university" I said I can't believe am helping him he's a monster I should run away but instead here I am leading him to the basketball court.

I stood there" you weren't the Captain because you were too much of an asshole but you were the best player in the state" I declared and  he snapped " isn't asshole a too strong word for a person who was talking to God less than an hour ago fire will come down" I rolled my eyes.

He walked around to the locker room and he held his chest and began breathing like an asthmatic, I ran to him " goodness Jay are you okay" I said panicking, his answer made me swear that I'll kill him with my two hands

" Am okay I was just checking if you still want me to die but you've proven that you don't I'll stick around a bit longer" he winked at me, great now I wish God really brought down fire as he entered the church.

We went to his house and walked around I glanced around and smiled at all the memories I have here with him though now they hurt and haunt me. He watched everything carefully he looked as if he was absorbing every inch of everything.

" Well is it working" I asked him and he gave me puppy eyes and gestured a no, just amazing. We walked to his room I eyed it and a smile crept to my face" why are you smiling" he asked, I had to tell him if I want to get over this very fast.

" The first time I was in here you were so mad at me and had erased my memory,it's when I got my first kiss and you opened up for the first time but then told me that you made it all up and the first time I actually saw you smile so wide it reached your eyes" I said looking around.

I eyed him and guilt quickly flashed in his eyes,he held his head and a small groan left his lips then he placed his head in his arms,I didn't buy it though I had hope maybe this time he didn't make it up.

I saw that he really has to get his memory and apart from him insisting my gut feeling also pushed it,I needed to help him get his memory back.

I had to perform an interview to him " well what do you remember about me" I asked he closed his eyes as we sat on a waiting bench on the bus stop" well you're caramel,an introvert, though you get along with absolutely anyone caring, kind, short tempered,smart, jealous and stupid sometimes" okay he called me smart and stupid in the same sentence now it makes me wonder if he's actually still got the smart brain he had before.

We took a short walk then went to a cafe just to sit and have coffee cause it was now six " well if I recall correctly your favorite pizza is pepperoni pizza and you prefer caramel latte to coffee and caramel macchiato" he stated and I smiled as our orders came in two  caramel latte.

" You know this is so like you espresso,frothed milk and caramel syrup  a complete weird combination of taste merged to make one perfectly delicious latte" he spoke and did anyone tell me his accent was thicker cause I got chills everywhere.

I didn't even wanna know what he meant but I wanted him to meet one more person but in a very private area. So I reserved a motel room" oh mi lady a single room for the day am excited you see" he spoke as I took the room card and led my way to the room and asked him to sit down and wait, big mistake.

" Well what if you're going to call people who wanna kill me" I pouted " you took down an entire army of magical creatures once by yourself what are you afraid of now humans? You can break  their necks in a heartbeat so quit pouting and I promise if you see this one person all your memory may actually come back" I pat his back roughly and sped off.

I walked home woke Janine up made her breakfast as she took a bath dressed up and came down" hey hunny" I said as I kissed her forehead and I leaned to braid her blondes to pigtails and at the same time Pharrell and the boys came in.

" Where were you we were getting so worried caramel," the traitor spoke I regretted ever letting him cuddle me every night but he wasn't lying to me only he also had power and pretended not to just what is he up to?

" Sorry people" I aid and shrugged as I packed Janine's lunch box, I walked away with her after a quiet breakfast even if Hardin attended he just cracked one lame joke and no one laughed.

" Where are you going" Pharrell asked and Hardin walked next to
him he looked shorter and he pointed out" hey young lady didn't you hear what your mom said" and I chuckled and I noticed amusement on Scott while the rest giggled, there's the humor we missed.

" Come on am just gonna send her to school I wanna have a walk" I simply stated shutting the door to their protective warnings.

" Hey I have a surprise for you wanna see " I asked her, she nodded and I pulled her to the motel and into our room.

  " Daddy" was all she could say before jumping on a confused Jaden and pulling him into a hug his expression changed to shock after that and he tensed....

      Howdy people 😜 the end is almost here a few chapters ahead and we're done 👍

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