chapter 1 - [ Wait.. what?! ]

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"BOBOIBOY!" Fang shouted out as Boboiboy was pulled into a mysterious portal. Boboiboy himself never felt so useless, his hands were tied so he couldn't used his only source of defence, who would have known he had such a weakness? Well this villain surely did.

All he could do is watch as his friends try their best to pry away from the pirate robots, but they didn't have much progress either. "Let's see how the great elementalist survive the past!" The villain laughed, before his sinister eyes dart towards Boboiboy's petite frame."H-HELP M-" Boboiboy yelps before he was pulled completely.


He suddenly woke up in a cold sweat, was that just a dream? he questioned himself as he looked around, the answer was clear. It was not a dream. He was in a room, a familiar one, his father's room.. But why was he here?

A pair of glowing cyan blue eyes stared from above, whatever his robotic lips formed was completely covered by the bed frame. Not that Boboiboy minded, there was a bigger problem here. "Amato! Your friend woke up" he yelled lazily, before flopping himself back on the bed and out of Boboiboy's line of sight.

Not even less than a minute later, the door slammed open, revealing a certain black-haired Boboiboy knew all too well. "I see you finally woke up!" He said happily, despite only stating the obvious.

But his expression died down a bit when he sees Boboiboy's confused expression, "You just fell from the sky like an angel so I took you in" he shrugged.

The boy is his father. Or at least l, is gonna be considering it's the past.

Boboiboy tried to speak but, "AMATO, MECHABOT COME DOWNSTAIRS! BRING YOUR FRIEND TOO!!" That voice.., it belongs to Tok Aba! "In a minute dad!" Was Amato's quick reply before he turns back to Boboiboy.

"Hey, let's go eat and you can explain what happened there" He blatantly offered, inching his hand close to Boboiboy's face with a warm grin.

Boboiboy hesitated, like actually hesitated for a moment but at long last, he reaches for the hand. It felt weird to be guided to stand up, but Boboiboy understood if it's just Amato's way of showing hospitality.

Amato pulled Boboiboy's build slightly as he walked, blabbering about something that didn't quite make sense. He talks alot, is what Boboiboy could conclude. Not that he minded, of course.

Boboiboy mindlessly agrees to the dining table, watching as food piles up on his plate. "I think that's enough" He chuckled, before requestioning what he said when everyone else went silent. "You don't want currypuffs?" Amato gasped, like it was a new discovery.

"No, not like that. I just don't want too much-"
" Sooo- do you mind explaining about yesterday " Amato asked while stuffing his mouth with food . Suddenly all eyes were on Boboiboy , making him nervous . " I-I . . " He couldn't find the right words to say anything at all ! " Are you gonna say you come from the future or something " Mechabot joked but to everyone's surprised , Boboiboy nodded . " Yes . I come from the future "

Then silence , awkward silence . .

Boboiboy then broke the silence " Im actually..Amato's son " he continued while pointing at Amato . " I- what--- " Amato was at a loss for words to say the least . Boboiboy eyes watered , the time he actually got to meet his father was when he was young ! ? " Well , if that is true then you can stay with us until we find a way to get you back ! " The woman next to him said gently . That woman was his grandmother .

" I- uhm yeah ! " Amato agreed . " Wait- wait , how do we know you're not lying " Mechabot questioned suspiciously . Boboiboy then said everything that someone who's related to them would known , someone like Boboiboy .

" I think it's better if just the five of us know, this information " Aba said . Everyone agreed .

" You can come and hangout with me and my friends later uhm- " Amato didn't know his name yet , " Boboiboy " Boboiboy finished for him with a giggle . " In the mean time , Boboiboy " Amato said excitedly as he drop his & boboiboy's dishes for Sumorai to wash . " You can sleep in my room ! ! " He continued as he pulled Boboiboy to his room . " Don't pulled him like that ! " Aba yelled to Amato while sighing . Mechabot then did the same thing as Amato " Tunggu la [ Wait for me ] " and followed .


" You can sleep on the top bunk! " Amato pointed at the bed . " Then where am I gonna sleep ! ? " Mechabot questioned . " On the floor " Amato laughed . Both Mechabot & Amato got into a fight while Boboiboy just stared . He and his father took care of their power sphere differently huh ?


The fight fizzled out when both of them agreed to sleep together on the bottom bunk . " It's nearly six- we need to get really quickly! " Amato said hectically . Boboiboy was already done with showers and everything when they were fight so he just watched Amato & Mechabot .

" It's all your fault " both of them yelled at eachother

Amato & Boboiboy quickly put on their shoes and left to go to the park . " Ughhh we are so late thanks to you! " Amato said to Mechabot . " Stop fighting please " Boboiboy sigh . They continue to bicker until they reach the park . A boy in green & a girl in a wheelchair came to them . " You finally arrived " Both of the said excitedly . " Sorry for being late, Pian,Mara " Mechabot apologize while giving death stares to Amato . Amato rolled his eyes .

" Wait- who's this? " Pian asked while pointing at Boboiboy . " He's uhm- my cousin ! Uhm yeah- He's staying with my family for a while " Amato made an excuse while both Mechabot and Boboiboy agreed . " Yeah- I'm Boboiboy , amato's- cousin " . Pian & Mara accepted the answer and they all decided to hangout until sunset .

(Meanwhile with Kokotiam geng)

" What should we do? We don't even know where Boboiboy was sent too! " Gopal panicked , Boboiboy is his best friend so why wouldn't he ? Everyone else was deep in their thoughts , what Gopal said was right , they didn't know where Boboiboy went . " I just hope he's safe " Ochobot murmured sadly . They don't how they can tell Tok Aba either , that his grandson was sucked into a portal and is gonna considered dead if he isn't found by the next couple of months .

" If we just arrived early- if we didn't let Boboiboy go first- he might still be here " Fang said frustratedly , yes he and Boboiboy are rivals but that doesn't mean they don't care about eachother . Suddenly , Kaizo patted his (Fang) back " it's not your guys fault , the villain was too strong for you guys and I'm sure Boboiboy's safe " he said . " And how would you know , none of us even know where is is ! " Gopal said , as he speaks his mind like always .

Kaizo sighed since there's no used to be angry especially considering they've just lost a friend , a best friend to say the least . All of them continue to think about Boboiboy and prayed that his safe and sound .

I know its short and the English is broken- but I hope you guys liked it !

[To be continued]

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