TTP randomness

205 9 21

fyi, I started this book late-2022 and it ended early-2024, not so bad right eyy


dadmato: heeeey sonn!!

boboiboy: heyyy amato! I nearly died and went insane a few times!!!
(got used to calling his dad by name)

dadmato: ...ew *goes buys milk for the seventh time*

boboiboy: D:


amato: bro imagine being so oc that you go against everything you stand for

mirror: ...


kokotaim gang ex boboiboy: why are we only mentioned  on the first few chapters?

amato's parents: first time?

the supposed to be villain: don't be sad, you guys will be in a chapter someday!


author: bro there's so many retcons and plots that don't aligned that well... *posts anyways*


amato: I write about what happen so I won't forget!

boboiboy: I just moved on.

amato: aku jeke yg berie dlm dunie ni?..
(am I the only one who is being extra in this world?..)


amato: I will go to the extreme for my best friend

boboiboy, who is badly beaten up and limping: imagine being the kid who breathes the same air as your best friend lol


(before TTP) boboiboy: bro I would do anything to meet my dad again :<

(after TTP) boboiboy: parents? don't need em


boboiboy: *angst daily*

amato: *barely any angst*

pian: *has the most random angst that won't be mentioned in the next chapter*

mara: *no angst*


boboiboy: *exists*

amato: 🔪


boboiboy, amato: *wholesome bonding*

author: no.


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